ACE high

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Troposcatter radio station on Lefkada in the sunrise

ACE High System (Allied Command Europe High) was a tropospheric scatter - communication system of NATO in the Cold War .


The starting point for the worldwide surveillance and long-distance communication system was the WACS ( White Alice Communications System ) installed in the USA . This system was installed in 1956 and ran from the USA via Canada and Alaska and connected there with the DEW-Line ( Distant Early Warning Line ). This connection continued to Greenland as the NARS ( North Atlantic Radio System ).

This was connected to the long-distance communication system installed in Europe, the ACE-High-System - "Allied Command Europe Tropospheric Forward Scatter Communication System". This globally operating communication and monitoring system led in the north of Europe from the Faroe Islands (station 43 - Sandfelli - transfer point of the NARS line) starting with the so-called normal route (backbone route) north through Denmark and Norway to the Soviet border and south through England, Belgium and Germany to Italy. From there it continued via Greece to Turkey, where the ACE-High system also ended at the border of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. This communication system, controlled by the military, with a very high technical and uniform standard at the time (security against eavesdropping and encryption of information) was thus available to the NATO armed forces to connect the most important operational centers and the radar outposts, which were scattered in the various European countries NATO countries were installed. The high-power UHF emissions directed by parabolic antennas were scattered back to earth in the troposphere (troposcatter), which enabled long ranges to be achieved. The advantage of ACE High was that such connections would still work if shortwave connections were impaired after the use of nuclear weapons. The system was used for upper management. ACE means "Allied Command Europe".

ACE high stations

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Designation and locations of the stations: NATO coding before 1959 in brackets and after 1971 in bold.

Norway - AFNORTH

  • (NC - Senja)
  • NSEZ - Senja
  • Position 69 ° 19'44.06 "N 17 ° 29'49.52" E 178 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (nca - Höggumpen)
  • NHGZ - Höggumpen
  • Position 69 ° 04'41.27 "N 18 ° 00'16.53" E 502 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (ND- Bodö)
  • NKLZ - Bodoe
  • Position 67 ° 10'23.34 "N 15 ° 01'24.42" E 801 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (nda - Bodoe Tail - Kletkov)
  • NVAZ - Kletkov
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (NE - Mosjöen)
  • NMOZ - Mosjoen
  • Position 65 ° 52'41.93 "N 13 ° 18'11.54" E 627 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (NF - Trondheim)
  • NSBZ - Trondheim
  • Position 63 ° 18'41.01 "N 10 ° 56'17.75" E 677 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter + Radio Line)

  • (nfa - Trondheim Tail - Graakallen)
  • Position 63 ° 25'15.27 "N 10 ° 15'06.65" E 543 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (NG - Oslo AAA)
  • NSOZ - Oslo
  • Position 60 ° 03'34.24 "N 11 ° 16'09.06" E 246 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (NGX - Oslo YYY - Svartas)
  • NSVZ - Svartas
  • Position 59 ° 46.48'36 "N 11 ° 00'13.59" E - 475 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3R (Radio Line)

  • (nga - Oslo Tail 01 - Kolsås)
  • NKOZ - Kolsås
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (ngb - Oslo Tail 02 - Maakeroy)
  • NVEZ - Maakeroy
  • Position 69 ° 09'22.44 "N 10 ° 26'19.01" E 14 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (NH - Kristiansand - Stormyrheia)
  • NSMZ - Kristiansand
  • Position 58 ° 27'19.14 "N 08 ° 27'43.45" E 326 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station transmitter equipment: 3S (Scatter Line)

  • (NJ - Sola - Lysanuf)
  • NLYZ - Sola
  • Position 59 ° 31'40.46 "N 05 ° 54'12.25" E 792 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

Denmark - AFNORTH

  • (DA - Karup - Torphøj)
  • DTOZ - Kollemorten
  • Position 55 ° 52'28.98 "N 09 ° 21'00.95" E 135 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (daa - Karup Tail - Lundbakke)
  • DLUZ - Lundebakke
  • Position 56 ° 13'49.03 "N 09 ° 09'48.63" E 68 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: 1b
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

England - ROCCHAN

  • (EAA - Foroes - Sandfelli 2)
  • Position 62 ° 04'09.59 "N 06 ° 58'06.09" E 713 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station transmitter equipment: unknown

  • (EA - Shetlands - Mossy Hill)
  • UMSZ - Mossy Hill
  • Position 59 ° 57'17.15 "N 01 ° 18'11.60" E 227 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (eab - Shetlands Tail Relay - Collafirth Hill)
  • UCOZ - (Collafirth Hill)
  • Position 60 ° 34'56.66 "N 01 ° 11'54.82" E 102 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (eac - Shetlands Tail - Saxa Vord)
  • Position 60 ° 49'37.20 "N 00 ° 50'22.59" E 276 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (EB - Aberdeen - Mormond Hill)
  • UMOZ - Mormond Hill
  • Position 57 ° 36'11.19 "N 02 ° 01'51.86" E 227 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (eba - Aberdeen Tail - Long Haven Hill)
  • USVZ - Long Haven Hill
  • Position: 57 ° 27'31.94 "N 1 ° 48.46'07" E 97 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ia
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (EC - Boulmer - Brizlee Wood)
  • UBOZ - Brizlee Wood
  • Position: 55 ° 25'05.46 "N 01 ° 46'10.52" E
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (ED - Binbrook - Stenigot)
  • UBIZ - Stenigot
  • Position 53 ° 19'36.08 "N 00 ° 06'57.44" E 153 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (EE - London - Coldblow Lane)
  • UMAZ - Coldblow Lane
  • Position 51 ° 17'44.95 "N 00 ° 36'51.52" E 194 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (eeb - London Tail Relay - Woldinghom)
  • Position: 51 ° 16'45.43 "N 0 ° 00'47.46" E 267 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ib
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (eea - London Tail - Hillingdon)
  • Position: 51 ° 32'41.26 "N 0 ° 27'49.17" E 45 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

France - AFCENT

  • (FAN - Paris - Mont Florentin)
  • FFLZ - Paris North
  • 49 ° 20'27.59 "N 02 ° 03'06.79" E 222 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 2R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • FTAZ - Taverny
  • 49 ° 02'02.88 "N 02 ° 13'45.85" E 178 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station transmitter equipment: unknown

  • (fac - Paris Tail (2) - Sant Germain)
  • 48 ° 54'44.67 "N 02 ° 01'25.44" E 71 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ia
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (fae - Paris Tail (2) - Extension (SHAPE)
  • 48 ° 50'34'19 "N 02 ° 06'14.30" E 178 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ib
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (fa - Relais Paris - Emeville)
  • FEMZ - Emeville
  • 49 ° 18'01.83 "N 03 ° 00'41.00" E 247 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3R (Radio Line)

  • (faa - Paris Tail (1) - Laffaux)
  • 49 ° 27'15.05 "N 03 ° 24'57.39" E 143 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (fad - Relay Paris - Rozoy Bellevalle)
  • FRBZ - Rozoy Bellevalle
  • 48 ° 55'56.05 "N 03 ° 28'24.62" E 219 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (FAS - Paris - Mont Aout)
  • FAOZ - Paris South
  • 48 ° 46'14.78 "N 03 ° 53'25.33" E 216 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (FAZ - Trier - Rohrbach)
  • FROZ - Rohrbach
  • 49 ° 03'18.47 "N 07 ° 14'40.74" E 376 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (fay - Trier Tail - Kindsbach)
  • ABHZ - Kindsbach
  • 49 ° 23'48.11 "N 07 ° 35'38.32" E 458 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (FC - Lyon - Pierre sur Haute)
  • FLYZ - Lyon
  • 45 ° 39'11.52 "N 03 ° 48'33.07" E 1632 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (FD - Nice - Signal de la Chens)
  • FNIZ - Nice
  • 43 ° 44'53.67 "N 06 ° 39'44.85" E 1703 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

Belgium - AFCENT

  • BADZ - Adinkerke
  • 51 ° 05'00.72 "N 2 ° 35'28.51" E 8 m above sea level
  • Power Plant Station: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • BCAZ - Casteau ( SHAPE )
  • 50 ° 30'05.56 "N 03 ° 58'15.69" E 87 m above sea level
  • Power Plant Station: unknown
  • Station transmitter equipment: oa

  • BCHZ - Chievres
  • 50 ° 35'04.64 "N 3 ° 49'05.21" E 53 m above sea level
  • Power Plant Station: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • BFRZ - Baraque de Fraiture
  • 50 ° 15'07.94 "N 05 ° 43'56.13" E 654 m above sea level
  • Power Plant Station: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 2R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

Germany - AFCENT

  • ABHZ - Kindsbach
  • 49 ° 23'51.24 "N 07 ° 35'41.17" E 458 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3R (Radio Line)

  • (AA - Emden - Aurich)
  • AEMZ - Aurich
  • 53 ° 30'32.04 "N 07 ° 26'34.83" E 10 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (AB - Moenchengladbach - Roetgen)
  • ALAZ -Lammersdorf
  • 50 ° 39'57.59 "N 06 ° 17'14.58" E 593 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 2R (Scatter + Radio Line)

  • (fig - Moenchengladbach Tail (1) - Hehn)
  • AHEZ - Hehn
  • 51 ° 10'51.44 "N 06 ° 23'37.77" E 81 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ib
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (aba - Moenchengladbach Tail (2) - Millen)
  • 50 ° 45'57.87 "N 05 ° 33'47.26" E 151 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ia
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (abc - Uedem)
  • AUEZ - Uedem
  • 51 ° 39'39.08 "N 06 ° 16'58.97" E 47 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (AC - Feldberg)
  • AFEZ - Feldberg
  • 47 ° 52'23.09 "N 08 ° 00'59.73" E 1458 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)


  • (IE - Dosso dei Galli)
  • IDGZ - Dosso dei Galli
  • 45 ° 51'13.66 "N 10 ° 22'32.28" E 2174 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S - 1R (1R) (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • IVTZ - Verona Tail (in the West Star bunker)
  • 45 ° 33'17.89 "N 10 ° 45'46.83" E 334 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (IA - Livorno - Monte Giogo)
  • IMXZ - Livorno
  • 44 ° 19'17.38 "N 10 ° 07'30.94" E 1496 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (IAZ - Cavriana - Monte Bosco Sucro)
  • IMBZ - Cavriana
  • 45 ° 21'00.79 "N 10 ° 37'01.46" E 189 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 2R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (iaa - Verona Torre 4)
  • 45 ° 27'11.35 "N 11 ° 00'30.55" E 164 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (IAY - Lame - Cavanella)
  • ICEZ - Lame Concordia
  • 45 ° 44'55.99 "N 12 ° 52'08.75" E 224 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (iax - Aviano)
  • IAVZ - Aviano
  • 46 ° 02'42.92 "N 12 ° 36'22.95" E 130 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (IB - Rome - Tolfa)
  • ITLZ - Rome
  • 42 ° 09'01.76 "N 11 ° 54'32.73" E 621 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (iba - Rome Tail - Monte Cavo)
  • IMCZ - Monte Cavo
  • 41 ° 45'04.86 "N 12 ° 42'31.03" E 930 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (IC - Neaples - Ischia - Punta Fetto)
  • IICZ - Neaples
  • 40 ° 35'50.88 "N 13 ° 54'08.54" E 639 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 2R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (ica - Neaples Tail - Monte Pecorara)
  • IPEZ - Monte Petrino
  • 41 ° 13'24.29 "N 13 ° 57'57.75" E 335 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (icy - Monte Vergine)
  • IMNZ - Monte Nardello
  • 40 ° 56'33.27 "N 14 ° 43'07.28" E 1516 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (icz - Monte Vulture)
  • IVUZ - Monte Vulture
  • 40 ° 57'03.12 "N 15 ° 38'10.75" E 1301 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3R (Radio Line)

  • (icv - Monte Lacontenente)
  • 41 ° 47 "15.14" N 16 ° 02'51.13 "E 822 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (icf - Pietra Ficcata)
  • IPFZ - Pietra Ficcata
  • 40 ° 34'04.90 "N 16 ° 19'21.31" E 586 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2R (Radio Line)

  • (icw - Martina Franca)
  • IAMZ - Martina Franca
  • 40 ° 39'22.90 "N 17 ° 17'21.05" E 496 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (ID - Catanzaro - Monte Mancuso)
  • IMMZ - Catanzaro
  • 39 ° 01'09.13 "N 16 ° 13'32.02" E 1319 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station transmitter equipment: 3S (Scatter Line)

  • (IDA - Monte Lauro - Cozzo tre grotto)
  • ICCZ - Monte Lauro
  • 37 ° 06'52.13 "N 14 ° 51'18.96" E 944 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (idb - Malta - Gharghur)
  • IDBZ - Malta - Gharghur
  • 35 ° 55'50.01 "N 14 ° 27'43.33" E 123 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

Greece - AFSOUTH

  • (GA - Kefallina)
  • GKFZ - Kefallonia
  • 38 ° 10'11.18 "N 20 ° 37'08.53" E 1001 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (GB - Athens - Pendelikon)
  • GPKZ - Athens
  • 38 ° 04'50.46 "N 23 ° 52'58.14" E 1038 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 4S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (gba - Athens Tail - Cholargos)
  • GATZ - Athens Tail
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ia
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (GBZ - Crete - Ziros)
  • GZIZ - Ziros
  • 35 ° 03'53.52 "N 26 ° 09'14.24" E 786 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

  • (GBY - Larissa - Phillon)
  • GPIZ - Phillon
  • 39 ° 25'22.75N 23 ° 03'11.54 "E 1513 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: I.
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (gbx - Larissa Tail - Aya Street)
  • GASZ - Larissa Tail
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ib
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (GBW - Vitsi)
  • GVIZ - Vitzi
  • 40 ° 38'43.34 "N 21 ° 23'11.07" E 2009 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

  • (GBV - Ismaros)
  • GISZ - Ismaros
  • 40 ° 53'34.67 "N 25 ° 32'56.06" E 612 m above sea level
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

Turkey - AFSOUTH

  • (TA - Izmir - Bespinar Tepes)
  • TBPZ - Izmir - Bespnar Tepes
  • 38 ° 18'48.72 "N 27 ° 01'29.89" E 964 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (taa - Izmir Tail)
  • TIZZ - Izmir Tail
  • Position: no information
  • possibly 38 ° 23'46.07 "N 27 ° 08'13.16" E 75 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: Ib
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (TB - Eskisehir - Kutahya Dagi)
  • TKUZ - Eskisehir
  • 39 ° 25'03.25 "N 29 ° 51'19.07" E 1820 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 3S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (tba - Eskirsehir Tail)
  • TESZ - Eskirsehir Tail
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (TBZ - Amasra - Kuskaya Tebes)
  • TKYZ - Amasra
  • 41 ° 42'52.92 "N 32 ° 22'05.99" E 375 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

  • (TC - Ankara)
  • TEDZ - Ankara - Elan Dagi
  • 39 ° 48'20.59 "N 32 ° 59'32.27" E 1856 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 1R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (tca - Ankara Tail)
  • DANCE - Ankara Tail
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (TCK - Merzifon - Kocayanusbasi Tepsi)
  • TKJZ - Merzifon
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (TCW - Persembe)
  • TPEZ - Persembe
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (TCV - Pazar)
  • TPAZ - Pazar
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: III
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

  • (TD - Sivas - Pinarbasi)
  • TPIZ - Pinarbasi
  • 38 ° 40'39.10 "N 36 ° 24'12.88" E 2285 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station transmitter equipment: 3S (Scatter Line)

  • (TG - Adana - Davudi Dagi)
  • TDDZ - Adana
  • 36 ° 49'39.37 "N 35 ° 38'18.66" E 515 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S + 1R (Scatter + Radio Line)

  • (tga - Adana Tail)
  • TADZ - Adana Tail
  • Position: no information
  • possibly 36 ° 59'40.66 "N 35 ° 23'45.38" E 45 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: oA
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (TE - Dyarbakir - Karaca Dagi)
  • TDIZ - Dyarbakir
  • Position: no informationt
  • possibly 37 ° 42'43.16 ° N 39 ° 49'42.76 "E 1946 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S + 2R (Scatter Line + Radio Line)

  • (tea - Dyarbakir Tail)
  • TDEZ - Dyarbakir Tail
  • Position: no information
  • Station Power Plant Category: II
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (tf - Mardin)
  • TMAZ - Mardin
  • Position: no information
  • possibly 37 ° 19'03.09 "N 40 ° 44'39.80" E 1194 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: oA
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1R (Radio Line)

  • (TVK - Merzifon - Kocayanusbasi Tepsi)
  • TKJZ - Merzifon
  • 40 ° 57'09.40 "N 35 ° 23'04.58" E 1908 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 2S (Scatter Line)

  • (TCZ - Cap Greco)
  • JCGZ -Cavo Greko
  • 36 ° 58'00.85 "N 34 ° 04'11.41" E 62 m
  • Station Power Plant Category: unknown
  • Station Transmitter Equipment: 1S (Scatter Line)

See also

Web links

Commons : ACE High  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files