Rima Carmen

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Rima Carmen
Littrow + Dawes + Vitruvius - LROC - WAC.JPG
Mons Argaeus with Rima Carmen (middle; LROC -WAC)
Rima Carmen (Moon Equatorial Region)
Rima Carmen
position 19.91 °  N , 29.34 °  E Coordinates: 19 ° 54 '36 "  N , 29 ° 20' 24"  E
diameter 15 km
Named after First name Carmen
See also Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

The Rima Carmen is a small moon groove that runs through a foothill of the Mare Serenitatis on its eastern edge, east of the Mons Argaeus . It extends in a north-south direction for about 15 kilometers. To the east of it lies the Rima Rudolf .

The name designation goes back to an originally unofficial designation on sheet 42C3 / S3 of the Topophotomap map series of NASA , which was taken over by the IAU in 1976.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Topophotomap 42C3 / S3
  2. ^ Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly of the IAU (Grenoble 1976). In: Transactions of the IAU vol. XVIB, edited by D. Riedel, 1977