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The roadmap is an Anglicism that has been widespread in the German-speaking area since the early 2000s and is often used as a synonym for a strategy or a project plan in some milieus - especially in business, politics and the media . Translated from English, the term literally means road map . It has been listed in the spelling dictionary since the 2004 edition.

A roadmap serves as a communication medium and provides an overview of how a thing, usually a product, develops visually over a strategic period of time. The expression is used in a wide variety of research and development areas. B. Product Roadmaps, Technology Roadmaps, Research Roadmaps, and Industry Roadmaps. The roadmap is characterized by its preparatory character and the rough planning of the steps to be carried out over a longer period of time, which usually lasts more than a year. The roadmap is used to structure long-term projects into individual, more easily manageable steps, whereby uncertainties and possible scenarios for target achievement are considered.


Product development

In product development in general, roadmaps are used to describe the planned time course of new product generations or variants. The goal of a product roadmap is to provide a direction internally (career opportunities for employees or budget negotiations) and externally in order to convince customers and analysts. In the case of complex products, such as in semiconductor technology and telecommunications, customers expect the product manufacturer to have the availability and disclosure of the roadmap so that the customer can find out about the future development of the products and better assess their strategy.

Regardless of this, creating and maintaining a roadmap is also an important method of innovation management and is the responsibility of a product manager .

Innovation management

Roadmapping in innovation management is used by companies to identify new technologies and to implement them in their corporate strategy. Roadmapping is seen as an instrument that incorporates foresight in order to link business strategy with the development of markets and technologies and to focus and coordinate technological development within an organization. Innovation roadmaps deal with the planning of new products and innovative projects - often taking into account the underlying technologies.

While it can be used as a standalone problem-solving approach, it will tend to be much more effective when incorporated into the core business processes of making decisions and allocating budgets. Of particular relevance are strategic planning and front-end innovation, where routinely decisions are made that have a significant long-term impact and where the situation is complex and the future uncertain.


  2. Imoh Ilevbare, Rob Phaal, David Probert, Alejandro Torres Padilla: Integration of TRIZ and roadmapping for innovation, strategy, and problem solving . In: Technology . 2011, p. 1-45 ( [PDF; accessed March 8, 2020]).
  3. Shushan Hakobyan: Everything you need to know about roadmapping in innovation management. Retrieved March 8, 2020 .
  4. Robert Phaal, Lianne Simonse, Elke Den Ouden: Next generation roadmapping for innovation planning . In: International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning . tape 4 , no. 2 , 2008, p. 135 , doi : 10.1504 / IJTIP.2008.018313 .