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ShareNet is a knowledge management system from Siemens Enterprise Communications (SEN). It was designed in early 1999.

The experience of individual projects and tested customer solution models are transparently disclosed; It is geared towards the experience of the employees. Personal opinions, comments, practical reports on sales projects or test results are collected, structured and saved here. Members belong to so-called communities of practice , which delimit user groups of different interests. The largest community in ShareNet has over 17,000 members.


Knowledge objects

Knowledge objects are created to store structured information about customers, competitors or projects. Each object is described by a number of questions. Knowledge objects can be linked to one another. To make it easier to find information again, objects are classified into categories that can be searched for later.

Reuse feedback

Members can provide feedback on the proposed procedures.

Urgent requests

All members can submit Urgent Requests which are then resolved by other members around the world.


Communication takes place via 60 discussion forums , news tickers and questionnaires.

Bonus systems

In addition to the intrinsic values ​​for an exchange, Sharenet also offers material incentives for exchange. These are mainly education (participation in conferences and seminars, specialist literature, language courses).


A regional branch has at least one ShareNet manager , he has the task of a multiplier . The Global Editor stands above him . He is the primary contact and coordinator for the local ShareNet managers and is responsible for the evaluation process of the quality of the published content.


ShareNet was developed by ArsDigita Deutschland GmbH on the basis of the ArsDigita Community System (ACS) or OpenACS.

In 2005, the ShareNet system at Siemens COM was replaced by the Livelink product from Open Text .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. OpenACS