Robert F. Peck

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Robert F. Peck (born March 2, 1924 in Newtown , † August 23, 2011 in Danbury ) was an American educational psychologist and professor in Austin .

The family (parents Louise (Dubret) and John Wesley Peck) descended directly from the founding Peck family in the Connecticut colony . Tracy Peck was a known ancestor. Robert F. Peck taught psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.

For character development , he examined young people in a small town between the ages of 10 and 17 in a longitudinal study (1960). Using a step model of five degrees (amoral, expedient, conforming, irrational-conscientious, rational-altruistic) up to the rational- altruistic level, the two authors found that, among other things, above all the parental home, but also the peer group, religious upbringing and the School formed a good character.

In developmental psychology , Peck differentiated three relevant developmental tasks for older people. Older people are faced with the problem of overcoming an excessive examination of their own body and, moreover, of opening up other areas of activity and experience. After the professional life, the daily routine and social contacts and roles change. In addition, Peck sees the most difficult task of the elderly as "[...] disregarding themselves and thinking beyond themselves". He created the term “cathectic flexibility” for the new openness required. In order to measure competencies, he distinguished between cognitive skills, affective states, including motivation, behavior and emotions, and conative factors (readiness), or “coping skills” (coping or action skills).

Development tasks in old age:

  • Appreciation of wisdom vs. of physical strength
  • Mental flexibility vs. mental rigidity
  • Ego differentiation vs. previous professional role
  • Body transcendence


  • with Robert J. Havighurst and Ruth Cooper: The Psychology of Character Development, Wiley 1960
  • Mental Health , Washington: Department of Classroom Teachers, American Educational Research Association of the National Educational Association, 1962
  • A comparison of the value systems of Mexican and American youth, 1967
  • Psychological development in the second half of life . In H. Thomae , U. Lehr (Ed.): Aging - Problems and Facts . Wiesbaden: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1968, pp. 376–384.
  • The consistency of individual teaching behavior , 1978
  • Assessing competence . Dordrecht 1986


  • JM Fowler: The Concept of Character Development in the Writings of Ellen G. White White , Diss. Andrews University 1977 online

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert F. Peck - Republican American Archives. Retrieved August 15, 2020 (American English).
  2. Konstanze Senge, Rainer Schützeichel: Major works of the sociology of emotions . Springer-Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-531-93439-6 ( [accessed on August 14, 2020]).
  3. Herbert Schubert: Integrated social planning for care in old age: Basics, modules, practical examples . Springer-Verlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-658-21240-7 ( [accessed on August 14, 2020]).
  4. ^ Robert F. Peck: Assessing Competence . In: Human Assessment: Cognition and Motivation . Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht 1986, ISBN 978-94-010-8460-4 , pp. 83-86 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-94-009-4406-0_18 .
  5. ^ Robert F. Peck et al: The Consistency of Individual Teaching Behavior . 1978 ( [accessed August 14, 2020]).