Robert Foit

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Robert Foit , also Robert Voit (born May 4, 1889 in Graz ; † April 6, 1963 in Graz) was an Austrian ( Styrian ) portrait , still life and landscape painter .


Robert Foit initially began an apprenticeship as a sculptor and then later studied painting at the Landeskunstschule in Graz under the tutors of Alfred Zoff , Alfred Schrötter and Anton Marussig . Professionally, he embarked on a civil service career, which he carried out at the State Invalid Office for Styria in Graz until 1947. At the exhibition "Graz Painting 1890 to 1950" in the Künstlerhaus in Graz 1969, a self-portrait, "Motif from the Graz city park", "Old Styrian farmhouse in the Hochschwab area", "Meadow flowers" and "Motif in the cancer cellar in Sackstrasse" shown. His landscape views, often with farmhouses from the immediate vicinity of Graz, mostly in oil, are now sought-after collector's items. Numerous personalities portrayed by the artist in pencil drawings, primarily Graz personalities, as most recently acquired in a collection by the GrazMuseum (2013) , point to the rich work of Robert Foit. The artist shared his works with both Rob. Voit and Rob. Signed Foit.


  • Heinrich Fuchs: The Austrian painters born between 1881 and 1900 , Vol. 1 (A – L), self-published by Dr. Heinrich Fuchs, Vienna 1976, K 67, ill .: p. 160
  • Heinrich Gröger: Grazer Originale , Graz, Leykam, 1981, p. 17, ISBN 3-7011-7126-2

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