Roman Well

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Roman Well (actually Ruvelis Leiba Sobolevicius , later Robert Soblen ; born November 7, 1900 in Vilkaviškis , † September 11, 1962 in London ) was a Soviet spy and agent provocateur in the ranks of the early Trotskyist movement.

In 1928 Well founded one of the first Trotskyist groups in Germany together with his brother Adolf Senin (Abraham Sobolevicius / Jack Soble) and Erwin Heinz Ackerknecht . The brothers were temporarily entrusted with Leon Trotsky's secret correspondence and the publication of the " Bulletin of the Opposition ". In 1933 they fled to the Soviet Union, later they were sent to the USA as spies. Well worked there under the name of Dr. Robert Soblen as a psychiatrist. In 1947 he became an American citizen. In 1957 the FBI rolled up its spy ring and all members were arrested. Well was sentenced to life imprisonment but was able to flee to Israel. He was refused asylum there, as well as in England. When Well was about to be transferred to the United States, he committed suicide in London.


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