Robert the Monk

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Robert the Monk , also Robert von Reims or Robert von Saint-Remi , (* around 1055; † 23 August 1122 ) was a medieval cleric and chronicler.

He was abbot of the Saint-Rémi monastery near Reims in France . He was deposed by the Archbishop of Reims , Manasses II of Châtillon , and appealed against it to Pope Urban II. In 1097, he ruled in his favor. Robert later became prior in Senuc in the Ardennes , but was finally deposed as such by judgment of Pope Calixt II . He died a simple monk in 1122.

A few years after the successful completion of the First Crusade, he was commissioned to complete the so-called Gesta Francorum , because it fell short of Pope Urban II's call to the Crusade at the Council of Clermont . In addition, their linguistic design was not very appealing. Robert wrote his work, the Historia Iherosolimitana 1106/7, probably not least with the intention of supporting the efforts of the French royal family for a new move to the Holy Land.

References and comments

  1. ^ Robert the Monk's History of the First Crusade, ed. Carol Sweetenham. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005 (= Crusade Texts in Translation 11), 1-71


  • Max Manitius / Iwan von Müller / Paul Joachim Georg Lehmann: History of the Latin literature of the Middle Ages . CH Beck, 1973 ( ISBN 3406014046 ). Pp. 424-426

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