Robin Merkisch

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Robin Merkisch (* 1971 in Düsseldorf ) is a German artist who lives and works in Düsseldorf.


Merkisch studied photography and sculpture at the Folkwang University of the Arts , Essen from 1991–1998 and was able to complete a stay at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam from 1994–1995 thanks to an international scholarship . With a scholarship from the DAAD he spent the years 1999-2000 in British Columbia, Canada, and at The Banff Center for the Arts, Alberta, Canada. For 2001–2002, Merkisch received a project grant from the Foundation for Art and Culture of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia . In 2002 he received the sponsorship award from the Great Art Exhibition NRW in Düsseldorf and in 2008 a scholarship from the State Chancellery of NRW.


In the year 2000 Robin Merkisch began with the first works of the series "Container". Within this thesis (C / 02-08) he presented devices and machines using large-format photographic technology. The accompanying title for this series was “Functional Systems and Operational Units”. The functions of the objects shown range from DNA analysis and electronic output media to the storage and management of data. It becomes almost impossible for the viewer to establish a reference to both size and function. The missing context and the missing scale create a comparative reading style for the viewer, searching for known forms in the archive of memory. With this process, the image is detached from the originally documented object and moves into an area between sketch, model and sculptural form. The “black box” detached from its functional context becomes a sculpture. (Image sizes: C / 02-08, 135/115 cm).

The photographs of the series “Transformer” were taken between 2001 and 2004. All objects photographed in this series (TR / 01-08) are in Ontario, Canada. Their surroundings are visible, like photographic documents of sculptures in a park. Within these series, he gave the viewer the freedom to see the pictures either as a machine shell, architecture, animation or abstract materialized form. (Picture sizes, TR / 01-08, 60/70 cm).

In 2007/2008 the series "Module" was created. This work shows machines and devices from the field of radio and communication technology and has a similar approach to the "Container" series. Photographs of functional objects and architectures become visual sculptures that let you forget their former technical applications. (Image sizes: MD / 01-11, 160/200 cm and 40/50 cm).

In 2011 the series "Fragment" was created. The starting point for this picture cycle was a rasterized photograph of a circuit board. Using an algorithm, various stages of a finite series of possible states were recorded. (Image sizes: 160/200 cm and 40/50 cm).

Robin Merkisch has participated in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad since 1996.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1995: Borders, (photo gallery 2 1/2 × 4 1/2, Amsterdam; NL)
  • 1998: System boundaries, (Society for Contemporary Art, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, D)
  • 2000: Photographic works, (Galerie Gaby Kraushaar, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2001: Container, (Galerie Gaby Kraushaar, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2001: Photographic Works, (Gallery 0031, Amsterdam, NL)
  • 2003: Photographic works, (Kunsthalle Luckenwalde, D)
  • 2004: Photographic Works, 2000–2003, (ABC Architecture Centrum Haarlem, NL)
  • 2005: Photography / Sculpture, 2002–2004, ( Kunstverein Region Heinsberg )
  • 2006: Models for Concrete Sculptures, (Gallery 0031, Amsterdam, NL)
  • 2008: Module, (Museum for Communication, Frankfurt, D)

Group exhibitions (selection)

  • 1994: Overburden, visual arts between the ages, cat., (Zeche Zollverein, Essen, D)
  • 1995: Mai de la Photo, cat., (Reims, F)
  • 1995: Photo Festival Naarden, (Naarden, NL)
  • 1995: Noorderlicht, Fotomanifestatie Groningen, (Groningen, NL)
  • 2004: Art exhibition NRW, cat., (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2005: Kunstverein Region Heinsberg , anniversary exhibition, 20 × 20
  • 2005: Urban Transformations, (Goethe-Institut, Toronto, CAN)
  • 2006: Modern architecture photography, cat., (ABC - Architektur Centrum Haarlem, NL)
  • 2006: Photo art from 60 years (Collection: North Rhine-Westphalia, cat., Museum Ratingen, D)
  • 2005: Photo art from 60 years (Flottmann-Hallen, Herne and Galerie Münsterland, Emden, D)
  • 2006: Art exhibition NRW, cat., (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2007: Industrial Imagery, (Gallery FO.KU.S, Innsbruck, A)
  • 2007: Poetry of the Functional, (Chemnitz Industrial Museum, D)
  • 2008: Fragments, (Kunstverein Mainz, D)
  • 2008: Editions, (Kunstverein Heinsberg, D)
  • 2009: Anonymous Drawings, (Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin, D)
  • 2010: Art exhibition NRW, cat., (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2011: Anonymous Drawings, (VISARTE / Kunstraum sihlquai55 offspace, Zurich, CH)
  • 2011: Anonymous Drawings, (Künstlerhaus Vienna, A)
  • 2011: Art Salon, (Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2012: Man and his objects, (Museum Folkwang, Essen, D)
  • 2012: Positions in contemporary art, (Gustav Lübcke Museum, Hamm, D)
  • 2013: Urban Structures, (Offspace Flurstrasse 16, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2013: Art exhibition NRW, (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2013: Stocker, Glavin, Merkisch, (SPAM-Contemporary, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2013: Looking back and ahead, (Forum Konkrete Kunst, Erfurt, D)
  • 2014 Art Salon, (Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2014 art exhibition NRW (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2015 Brauhauser, Merkisch, Pufleb, Schulz, (Art Association Düsseldorf, WP8, D)
  • 2016 art exhibition NRW (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2016 Freyschmidt, Merkisch, à Wengen, (Galerie Bischoff und Partner, Bern, CH)
  • 2016 Position Konstruktiv VOL.2, (Kunstverein Sundern, Germany)
  • 2017 Die Grosse 2017 (Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, D)
  • 2018 Positions in Contemporary Art, (Gustav Lübcke Museum, Hamm, D)
  • 2018 72nd International Art Exhibition (Kunstmuseum Solingen, D)
  • 2018 Modern Art Collection (Folkwang Museum, Essen, D)
  • 2019 d-polytop (Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, D)

Collections (selection)

  • Museum Folkwang Collection, Essen
  • Collection of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Collection Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
  • Collection Museum for Communication, Frankfurt


Web links

Individual evidence
