Rock radio B

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Rockradio B was the youth radio of the Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg (ORB). It existed from January 1, 1992 to March 1, 1993.


Since the ORB could not decide in December 1991 to continue the popular youth radio DT64 of the GDR radio in its broadcasting area, it decided to found its own youth radio . Like DT64, Rockradio B was based in the Funkhaus Nalepastraße . The editor-in-chief was the former DT64 employee Silke Hasselmann .

With a small team of radio professionals, mostly hired-off employees from DT64, the program started on January 1, 1992, initially with the three-hour afternoon check -in program from 3pm to 6pm. For the rest of the time, you could continue to hear DT64 on the frequencies of Rockradio B in Berlin and Brandenburg. In the following months, the Rockradio B program was expanded further. Among other things, the morning magazine Aufschwung B was added, as well as special programs such as the radio broadcast by today's cult presenter Jürgen Kuttner or the Parocktikum program by Lutz Schramm , which was taken over by DT64 and was of great importance for the independent scene in GDR times. The former rock radio and today's Radio Eins presenter Jürgen König comments on the program in retrospect: “A year of total program anarchy and a music program with the maxim: The main thing is hard and unknown. It was a lot of fun, with the 'small' restriction that as a listener you were physically and mentally exhausted after two hours. "

At the time when DT64 finally switched off FM at the end of June 1992, Rockradio B in Berlin and Brandenburg had filled almost half of the daily broadcast time. From July 1992 onwards, Rockradio B broadcast Radio 4U from the SFB , which could be heard on the frequencies of Rockradio B from Monday to Saturday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. In the Nachtschiene, also in cooperation with Radio 4U, the show "Nachtflug" was added, as the show was called on Rockradio B, while on Radio 4U it was called "Nightflight". The common night time was alternately responsible, but broadcast in almost the same form.

With a view to the fundamental decision of the ORB and SFB to host a joint youth program, and also in view of the cessation of broadcasting from Radio 4U on December 31, 1992, numerous Radio 4U employees worked for Rockradio B from January 1, 1993, and two from that date Was the only youth radio in Berlin and Brandenburg for months. In the Berlin area, Rockradio B could therefore be received terrestrially over two frequencies (98.2 MHz, 102.6 MHz).

With the start of broadcasting of the new youth radio Fritz on March 1, 1993 at 6 o'clock, Rockradio B ceased broadcasting. The employees were basically taken over by Radio Fritz. However, there were also some departures from the former DT64 / (original) Rockradio B team who couldn't get used to the more commercial and mainstream orientation of Radio Fritz (e.g. Silke Hasselmann, Jürgen Balitzki). The program concept of Rockradio B, which in turn was largely based on the concept of the post-turnaround DT64, played no role at Radio Fritz. The concept of Radio Fritz was primarily based on Radio 4U. An alternative concept with the working title "Extra", mainly developed by a team of former DT64 / Rockradio-B employees and presented internally, was not taken into account.

Program scheme

The following list shows the program schedule of Rockradio B in February 1992:

Monday - Friday

  • 0.00 sleep disorder (DT64)
  • 3.00 gray area (DT64)
  • 5.00 Upswing B
  • 9.00 Take Five (DT64)
  • 12.00 ticker (DT64)
  • 07/12 Lock call (DT64)
  • 3 p.m. Check In
  • 18.00 rush hour (DT64)
  • 19.00 special broadcasts Rockradio B


  • 0.00 sleep disorder (DT64)
  • 3.00 gray area (DT64)
  • 5.00 Upswing B
  • 9.00 Take Five (DT64)
  • 12.00 Hithammer (DT64)
  • 3 p.m. Check In
  • 18.00 rush hour (DT64)
  • 7 p.m. Dance Hall (DT64)


  • 0.00 Nightfly (DT64)
  • 3.00 gray area (DT64)
  • 5.00 Upswing B
  • 9.00 morning exercise (DT64)
  • 12.00 scene (DT64)
  • 3 p.m. Dr. Kaos (DT64)
  • 18.00 special broadcasts Rockradio B
  • 22.00 Beat Radio D (DT64)