Rodica Draghincescu

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Rodica Draghinescu (2008)

Rodica Draghincescu (born November 29, 1962 in Buzias , Romania ) is a contemporary Romanian- French author. She writes poetry , novels , essays and translates other authors. She belongs to the generation of provocative and subversive authors who developed in Romania in the early 1990s.


Rodica Draghincescu studied Romanian and French literature at the Western University of Timişoara from 1980 to 1984 . Her first publications date back to 1993. Following her studies, she worked for several years for various teaching and research institutes in Romania: the Western University of Timisoara, the Romanian Academy and the University of Tibiscus . She was a lecturer in French language and literature and did research in the field of Romance languages. In 2000 she left her home country and worked a. a. in Stuttgart ( Scholarship Schloss Solitude ) and toured Canada and the USA. Rodica Draghincescu has lived near Metz (France) since 2005 .

From 2006 to 2009 she was artistic director of the international poetry festival TERRA NUOVA (Metz). Artists such as Hélène Martin , Jean-Luc Kockler, Jean-Pascal Boffo, Dorothea Fleiss, Philippe Joncquel, Gilbert Sand, Serge Rey and Michel Biehler have worked on their poems both performatively and musically. In 2010 she founded the multilingual web magazine Levure Littéraire , in which artists of different languages ​​and forms of expression can publish their work and network. She is also part of the editorial team of the German literary magazine "Matrix" and works regularly for radio, for example for the channels TVRI, RTVR Bucharest, Radio France Internationale (RFI) and France Culture Paris, WDR and Radio Deutsche Welle.

Rodica Draghincescu is a member of several writers 'associations, such as the Romanian writers' association (Uniunea Scriitorilor din România, filiala Bucureşti) , the German literary association " Die Kogge ", the Maison des écrivains et de la littérature in Paris , the Société des gens de lettres (SGDL) in Paris and the Academia Mondiale della poesia in Verona, Italy.

She is the patron of the German-French bicycle theater project, which has been running since 2015 .

Your texts have been translated into 18 languages.


  • Special prize for francophone poetry, awarded by the Académie des Lettres et des Arts du Périgord , for the collection of poems "Poèmes de Timisoara", Bordeaux 1992.
  • Prize of the Romanian Writers 'Union and the Dobroudscha Writers' Association for their prose debut Distance entre un homme habillé et une femme telle qu'elle est , 1996.
  • Special prize in the "Abroad" category at the Festival international de poésie Goccia di Luna , Pomezia (Rome), Italy 1995.
  • Grand Prize for Avant-Garde Poetry "Géo Bogza", awarded by the Romanian Writers' Union and the Maison d'édition Vinéa, Bucharest 1999.
  • Special prize from the Oradea Poetry Festival and the Académie de sciences et de lettres d'Oradea (Romania) for the anthology Ah! Romania 1998.
  • Poetry Prize of the Romanian Writers ' Union (Uniunea Scriitorilor din România, filiala Bucureşti) , for the poetry book Eu-genià, éditions Vinéa, Bucarest 2000.
  • European Prize Le Lien , International Poetry Festival Terra nova , for her complete lyric work, Metz-Nancy 2006.
  • Virgile European Literature and Poetry Prize , Société des Poètes Français, Paris 2013.


  • Writing life. Interviews and essays. Pop Verlag, Leonberg 2005.
  • À vau-l'eau. Novel. Translated from Romanian. arHsens édiTions, Paris 2006.
  • Blé blanc. Poetry. Éditions TranSignum, Paris 2007.
  • Seulement. Interviews with seven young talents of contemporary poetry. Éditions Le chasseur abstrait, Toulouse, 2008.
  • Never say again! Poetry. Translated by Rüdiger Fischer. H. Schiller Verlag, Berlin 2011.
  • RA (ts). Poetry. With illustrations by Marc Granier. Éditions Le Petit Pois, Béziers 2012.
  • Words, Under My Skin. Poetry. Translator: Howard Scott. Finishing Line Press, Georgetown, Kentucky 2014.
  • A Sharp Double Edged Luxury Object. Cervena Barva Press, Boston USA 2014.
  • Rienne. Poetry and aphorisms. Éditions de l'Amandier, Paris 2015.
  • You are me. Kill me! Poems. Translation: Christina Gumz. Klak Verlag, Berlin 2018.
  • The fairy the devil. Novel. Translation: Eva Ruth Wemme . Klak Verlag, Berlin 2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. multilingual and multicultural web magazine: Levure Litteraire. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (French).
  2. ^ Edition Matrix: Editing. In: Matrix magazine. Retrieved on May 9, 2020 (German).
  3. ^ Romanian Writers' Union : Uniunea Scriitorilor din România - Filiale. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  4. ^ Maison des écrivains: Bienvenue à la Maison des écrivains et de la littérature. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  5. ^ World Poetry Academy: Poets. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (American English).
  6. ^ German-French bicycle theater project: Manèges circles. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (German, French, English).
  7. ^ Academie des Lettres et des Arts du Périgord: association. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (French).
  8. ^ Printemps des poètes: Rodica Draghincescu. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (French).
  9. Rodica Draghinescu on the MEL homepage: Maison des écrivains et de la littérature. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  10. Rodica Draghinescu: Distance entre un homme habillé et une femme telle qu'elle est. Ed .: Le Hall du Livre NANCY. ( [accessed May 8, 2020]).
  11. Prix Virgile 2013: cénacle euopéen. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  12. Levure littéraire: Rodica Draghincescu talking. Retrieved May 8, 2020 (French).
  13. Homepage of the publisher: Draghincescu, Rodica | KLAK publishing house. Retrieved May 9, 2020 .
  14. Homepage: Uniunea Scriitorilor din România - Branch. Retrieved May 9, 2020 (Romanian).
  15. ^ Printemps des poètes: Rodica Draghincescu. In: . , accessed on May 8, 2020 (French).
  16. ^ Homepage of the Societé des poètes français: Société des Poètes Français. May 8, 2020, accessed May 8, 2020 .
  17. Maison des écrivains et de la littérature, author: Rodica Draghincescu. mel, August 5, 2020, accessed on May 8, 2020 (French).
  18. mkab, Verlag Schiler & Mücke: Rodica Draghincescu: Sag nie wieder (Verlag Schiler & Mücke). Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  19. Verlag Page: Rodica Draghincescu - revuiste, poète. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .
  20. ^ Doug Holder: A Sharp Double-Edged Luxury Object. In: Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene. May 6, 2014, accessed May 8, 2020 .
  21. "lelitteraire" webpage: Rodica Draghincescu, Rienne. Retrieved May 9, 2020 (French).
  22. ^ Publisher page: You are me. Kill me. Cycle of poems by Rodica Draghincescu. Klak Verlag, accessed on May 8, 2020 .
  23. ^ Publisher page: The fairy of the devil. The diary that kills its readers. Retrieved May 8, 2020 .