Rolf Wall

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Rolf Wall
location South Georgia
Rolf Wall (South Georgia)
Rolf Wall
Coordinates 54 ° 13 ′  S , 36 ° 37 ′  W Coordinates: 54 ° 13 ′  S , 36 ° 37 ′  W

The Rolf Wall is a striking rock face up to 550  m high on South Georgia in the South Atlantic . It stretches on the Lewin Peninsula from Duck Bay to Diamond Peak .

The UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee named it in 2013. It is named after the SS Rolf , one of the first supply ships for the Grytviken whaling station .

Web links

  • Rolf Wall . Entry in the database of the UK Antarctic Place-Names Committee for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (English)