Rolf Wickstrøm

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Rolf Wickstrøm (born December 9, 1912 in Oslo ; † September 10, 1941 ibid) had been the main union representative in the Skabo jernbanevognfabrik in Oslo since January 1940 .

He was using a nazi short shrift sentenced to death , and on September 10, 1941 executed during the state of emergency, which the German occupying power on the milk strike responded. At the same time as him, the lawyer Harald Viggo Hansteen was executed and both bodies were hidden. So their graves could only be found after the end of the war. Hansteen and Wickstrøm were later buried on Vår Frelsers Gravlund . At the execution site, the Østre skytterlags bane (a shooting range) near Årvoll in Oslo, a granite memorial stone (artistically executed by Nic. Schiøll) with a bronze relief was erected in 1948. The memorial stone has the inscription “Viggo Hansteen, Rolf Wickstrøm. The first offer i Norges frihetskamp 1940–45. Skutt av tyskerne September 10, 1941. "(German:" Viggo Hansteen, Rolf Wickstrøm. The first victims in Norway's struggle for freedom 1940-45. Shot by the Germans on September 10, 1941. ").

Rolf Wickstrøm left behind his wife Signe (1913–1996) and his son Tore (1938–?).

Rolf Wickstrøm is also remembered in Oslo by a section of Ring 3 , the large road ring around Oslo, which between Tåsenveien and Grefsenveien has been given the street name "Rolf Wickstrøms vei" to commemorate.

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