Novel of a field

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Roman von einer Feld is a literary representation of the Oberfeld in Darmstadt by Katja Behrens , published in 2008 . The Oberfeld, a clearing island created in the 11th century, is still characterized by agriculture and allotment gardening today. It lies within the city limits and is used by city residents as a green corridor and a recreational area.

place and time

The place of the event is the "Oberfeld" and its peculiarity, the approaching city, the people and their fortunes. A map of the upper field, which shows the various locations, is attached.

The book consists of twelve chapters structured according to the months of a year. The narrated time spans centuries of Darmstadt's city history up to the present: the construction of the city wall, the years of the plague and the Thirty Years' War , life in absolutism , Georg Büchner and the persecution of the opposition, the dissolution of the Grand Duchy , the Great Depression , National Socialism , destruction the city on the night of the fire on September 11, 1944, the time after the war.

Title / genre

Katja Behrens assigns it to the genre Roman in the title. Many of the stories in this book are documentary in nature, that is, they are realistic, correct and verifiable. Documentation is, for example, the changing history of individual properties and their owners or tenants: Villa Heiligenkreuz / Rößner, Flotow / Sonnenhof / Merck or Parkhotel / SA - training home / Lichtenberghaus or Grand Ducal Farm Dairy / State Domain of the State of Hesse. Documentary accuracy also applies to the description of the flora and fauna of the field.


Throughout spring, summer, autumn and winter the life of the numerous animals in the field is told. There are at least as many stories from the people in the field. A narrator overlooks the field as the place of the event, sees what is above the earth and what is going on below. He knows the people and animals in the field. From this narrative perspective, the novel gains density and tension.

Book edition


  • Anja Trieschmann, Stories from the Flounder, Mannheimer Morgen v. February 6, 2008
  • Rainer Hein, Literary Field Research on the Edge of Darmstadt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung v. January 4, 2008
  • Johannes Breckner, One year and many lives, Darmstädter Echo v. November 27, 2007
  • Johannes Breckner, Grounds of Stories, Darmstädter Echo v. July 19, 2007

Web links