Romance from Faust

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The romance from Faust is a composition by Johann Strauss Sohn (without opus number). It was possibly first performed on May 25, 1864 in Pavlovsk , Russia.


The work is based on Siebel's aria (No. 20, fourth act) from the opera Faust by Charles Gounod . This aria, entitled Si le bonheur a sourire t'invite , has meanwhile been deleted from most of the opera's performances. With regard to the first performance of the romance, there are different statements. The English version of the booklet of the CD recording mentioned below gives May 25, 1864 and Pavlovsk as the date and place of the first performance. However, the German description of the work on the same CD says the time of the first performance of the "Faust Romance" cannot be determined.

The playing time on the CD listed under itemization is 2 minutes and 55 seconds. This time can vary somewhat depending on the conductor's musical conception.

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Individual evidence

  1. Source: English version of the booklet (page 121) in the 52 CD complete edition of the orchestral works by Johann Strauss (son), publisher Naxos (label) . The work can be heard as the third track on the 47th CD.