Roncelin of Marseille

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Roncelin of Marseille († 1215 in Marseille ) was a monk and, as Roncelin I, was abbot of the monastery of Saint Viktor in Marseille.


Roncelin came from a powerful family of viscounts ( burgraves or vice counts ) in Marseille. He was the brother of Raimond Geoffroi called Barral , who already held the office of Viscount. His son-in-law Hugo von Baux laid claim to the office of Vice Count of Marseille , but the citizens of the city resisted it. After the death of Raimond Geoffroi in 1192, in order to forestall Hugo von Baux, they led Roncelin away from his position in the monastery of St. Viktor and elected him vice count.

After leaving the monastery and taking over the city office, Roncelin married. It was not until 1209 that the Curia responded. Pope Innocent III stepped in and excommunicated Roncelin, who submitted in 1211, disowned his wife and returned to the monastery.

Individual evidence

  1. Bourrilly, 1926, p. 398.
  2. Bourrilly, 1926, p. 401.


  • Florian Mazel: La noblesse et l'Église en Provence, fin Xe - début XIVe siècle. Paris 2002. ISBN 2-7355-0503-0 .
  • Victor Louis Bourrilly: Essai sur l'histoire politique de la commune de Marseille des origines à la victoire de Charles d'Anjou (1264). Aix-en-Provence 1926.

See also