Rosi Speiser

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Rosi Speiser Alpine skiing
nation GermanyGermany Germany
birthday 24th November 1951 (age 68)
place of birth Bolsterlang , Germany
discipline Downhill, giant slalom
society Bolsterlang Ski Club
status inactive
last change: March 19, 2010

Rosi Speiser (born November 24, 1951 in Bolsterlang ) is a former German ski racer .

1972 was the most successful year of her career. It was German champion in giant slalom and finished at the 1972 Olympics in Sapporo in the downhill and giant slalom respectively fifth. She started for the Ski Club Bolsterlang.

Individual evidence

  1. German masters
  2. Chronicle of the SCBolsterlang ( Memento of the original from February 1, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /