Rotational fallow

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At a rotational set-aside is former agricultural land, which is similar in rotation with other areas over several years three-field economy , are not managed. This term is used in Switzerland to designate areas for which Article 51 of Swiss national law is used for definition. In Germany, the farmer understands rotational fallow to mean the annual alternation between the cultivation of an arable area and the uncultivated greening of a land area.

Regulations for the rotation industry in Switzerland

Rotational fallow land is the name given in Switzerland to areas that are only sown with certain seeds specified by the Swiss research institute , that do not exceed a certain width and area, are located in the valley and were previously used as open arable land or permanent crops .

Regulations for rotational fallows in Germany

Rotational fallow land was introduced in Germany in 1988 in order to set aside agricultural land. These areas are mainly cultivated through self-greening and sowing in autumn and spring and must not receive any fertilization during their growth phase.

