Red white papers

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The Red White Books are a German-language book series from the first half of the 1950s. The series was published in Cologne by the publishers Rote Weissbucher and Kiepenheuer & Witsch (in Komm.) As a forum for documentaries from the Soviet-influenced countries. A total of around 20 titles were published. For example, the memories of ten years of imprisonment, camp and exile in Siberia of Anté Ciliga (1898–1992), the Yugoslav communist politician who came to the Soviet Union as a high functionary, but fell out of favor after a few years, appeared in it. For example, a depiction of the Soviet military administration in Germany was published by the Rote Weissbücher publishing house under the title Berliner Kreml by Grigori Klimow , an employee of Marshal Zhukov who fled to West Germany in 1947. The following overview does not claim to be up-to-date or complete.

Overview (selection)

  • 2 Hermann Brill : The Soviet system of rule. 1951
  • 3 Matthias Kramer: The Bolshevikization of Agriculture in Soviet Russia, in the Satellite States, in the Soviet Zone. 1951
  • 4 Otto Eugen Hasso Becker: The perfect slave state. 1951
  • 9 Gustaw Herling-Grudziński : World without mercy. 1953
  • 10 Gerd Friedrich: The Pankow Soviet Republic and the German West. 1953
  • 12 Anté Ciliga : In the land of confusing lies. Ten years behind the iron curtain. 1953
  • 14 Carola Stern : The SED: A Handbook on the Structure, Organization and Function of the Party Apparatus. 1954

other books from the Rote Weissbucher publishing house

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Григорий Петрович Климов , scientific transliteration Grigorij Petrovič Klimov
