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Rubute ( rbt ) is an ancient city in Palestine , which, according to Egyptian sources, was between Gezer and Jerusalem , probably in the area of Latrûn in the mountains of Judea.


Aharoni originally equated Rubute with Beth-Shemesh . In a later article, however, he pleads for a localization at Bab el Wad , not far from the monastery of Latrûn in Tell Khirbet Hamîda, el-Khirbeh or Khirbet Bîr el-Hilû. There are finds from the Middle Bronze Age II, the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age (I and II, including so-called Philistine goods). Ceramic from the Persian period is also represented.

Aharoni would also like to equate Rubute with the biblical Rabba .


Rubute is mentioned in a list from the time of Thutmose and the Amarna letters . Milki-ilu, the king of Gezer, had annexed the city for a time to the displeasure of the Egyptians (EA 289), in alliance with Tagi of Ginti-kirmil . The son of Tagi, Schuwardata, remained loyal to this alliance and kept Rubute occupied for a while with troops from Gezer and Keilah (EA 290).


  • Yohanan Aharoni, Rubute and Ginti-kirmil.
  • Yohanan Aharoni, The Land of the Bible (London, 1967) 286-87, 299.