Ruch Katolicko-Narodowy

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The Ruch Katolicko-Narodowy (German: Catholic National Movement , abbreviation: RKN) is a small right-wing national - clerical political group in Poland .

It was founded in 1997 by Antoni Macierewicz after the Ruch Odbudowy Polski (ROP) collapsed . Because of its proximity to the Catholic radio station Radio Maryja , its supporters also call it the “Marienpartei” ( Partia Maryja ). According to her own presentation, her basic goals are the “protection of the family, the Catholic Church and national interests”.

In the 2005 parliamentary elections , she was able to send five members to the Sejm via the list of the League of Polish Families . She has not been represented in the Sejm since the parliamentary elections in 2007 .

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Ziemer: The Polish political system: An introduction p. 214, 215
  2. Krystyna Anna Paszkiewicz: Partie i koalicje polityczne III Rzeczypospolitej p. 127 (Polish)