Rudolf Kuhk

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Moated castle Möggingen, the residence of Kuhk

Rudolf Kuhk (born February 13, 1901 in Münster ; † February 7, 1989 there ) was a German ornithologist .

Kuhk, who came from a family of pharmacists in Münster, studied ornithology as a teenager and was also an avid hunter. He first studied pharmacy with the state examination in 1925. In addition, he also attended lectures in zoology (among others with Karl von Frisch in Rostock). In 1939 he received his doctorate in ornithology in Rostock with a dissertation on the birds of Mecklenburg. It also appeared as a book and was an inventory and index of the breeding occurrences of 323 bird species in Mecklenburg.

After the Second World War, Kuhk and Ernst Schüz built the Radolfzell ornithological station , the successor to the Rossitten ornithological station , which had been abandoned due to the war . He was the long-time director of the ornithological station (and lived in the headquarters of the ornithological station in Möggingen moated castle ) after Schüz was busy working full-time as director of the State Museum for Natural History in Stuttgart.

With Schüz, he was editor of the magazine Die Vogelwarte for many years . He was general secretary of the German Ornithological Society for 17 years .


  • The birds of Mecklenburg , Güstrow: Verlag Opitz 1939, reprint Natur + Text 2012 (with a biography of Kuhk by Joachim Neumann) ISBN 978-3-942062-06-0


  • Obituary in: Die Vogelwarte, Volume 35, 1989, p. 157, pdf

Individual evidence

  1. Leo BW
  2. Publishing information on the book