Rudolf Riedinger

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Rudolf Riedinger (born April 18, 1924 in Voletiny ; † December 28, 1998 ) was a German patristic .


From 1944 to 1956 he studied classical philology, theology and Byzantine studies in Prague, Salzburg and Munich ( doctorate in 1956 as Dr. theol. ). On September 21, 1952, he was ordained a priest in the Metten Abbey Church . He was a monastery librarian and later left the monastery. In 1962 he was accepted into the Sectio historica of the Bavarian Benedictine Academy. Since 1967 he was with the edition of the acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 and the VI. Ecumenical Council (680/81).

Fonts (selection)

  • Holy Scripture in the fight of the Greek Church against astrology. From Origines to John of Damascus . Studies on the history of dogma and the history of astrology . Innsbruck 1956, OCLC 73879242 .
  • Pseudo-Kaisarios. Tradition and question of the author . Munich 1969, OCLC 557610121 .
  • Latin translations of Greek heretics texts of the seventh century . Vienna 1979, ISBN 3-7001-0298-4 .
  • The presence and subscription lists of the VI. Ecumenical Council (680/81) and the Papyrus Vind. G. 3 . Munich 1979, ISBN 3-7696-0080-0 .
  • as editor: Concilium Lateranense a. 649 celebratum . Berlin 1984, ISBN 3-11-008235-7 .
  • The Codex Vindobonensis 418. Its source and its scribes . Dordrecht 1989, OCLC 878867731 .
  • as editor: Pseudo-Kaisarios: Die Erotapokriseis . Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-05-000318-9 .
  • Index verborum Graecorum quae in actis Synodi Lateranensis a. 649 et in actis Concilii Oecumenici Sexti continentur . Berlin 1995, ISBN 3-11-014538-3 .
  • Small writings on the acts of the Council of the 7th century . Turnhout 1998, ISBN 2-503-50735-2 .

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