Rudolf Stolzmann

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Rudolf Stolzmann (* 1852 ; † 1930 ) was a representative of the socio-legal direction of economics (together with Rudolf Stammler and Karl Diehl ). Karl Diehl said, however, that Stolzmann tried to synthesize the social law direction of economics with the Austrian school of economics.


Stolzmann wrote three main works (1896, 1909, 1925). In his third work, On the Basics of the Philosophy of Economics , a smaller text with the title Essence and Goals of Economic Philosophy (WZW) is attached. He dedicated this writing to Heinrich Rickert as an expression of admiration. Heinrich Rickert was a representative of the southwest German direction of Neo-Kantianism and Rudolf Stammler was a representative of the Marburg direction of Neo-Kantianism. Especially in his first two works, The Social Category in Economics and The Purpose of Economics , Stolzmann represents a Neo-Kantian philosophy. In his third work, The Philosophy of Economics , and especially in his little essay, Essence and Goals of Economic Philosophy , Stolzmann changed his position somewhat. The social in the national economy was now deduced purely metaphysically . Neoplatonism and hermeticism served as a template . Stolzmann derived the concept of the mesocosm from the hermetic-Neoplatonic macrocosm / microcosm theory . The mesocosm is the “body and soul” of society and is hierarchically above the microcosm. From this, Stolzmann concluded that the social in the economy should be placed above the individual. Stolzmann criticized above all representatives of the Austrian school of political economy, which put the individual in the foreground.


  • The social category in economics . Berlin: Verlag Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht. 1896
  • The purpose in economics. The economy as a socio-ethical purpose structure . Berlin: Verlag Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht. 1909
  • The purely economic in the system of the national economy. Yearbooks for Economics and Statistics / Journal of Economics and Statistics . Third episode. Vol. 57 (112) No. 4: 385-432. 1919
  • Basics of a philosophy of economics. An attempt at an economy on a philosophical basis . 2nd edition. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer. 1923
  • Essence and goals of economic philosophy. A methodological addition to the work: “Basics of a Philosophy of Economics” . Berlin: Verlag von Gustav Fischer. 1923
  • The holistic teaching of Ottmar Spann . In: Yearbooks for Economics and Statistics. Third episode. Vol. 72 (127). No. 6: pp. 881-918. 1927


  • Diehl, Karl (1941). The social law direction of economics . Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer.
  • Esser, Hans A. (1971). Power or economic law. On the value and distribution theory controversy between Rudolf Stolzmann and Eugen v. Boehm Bawerk . Institute for Economic Policy at the University of Cologne.
  • Rubin, Isaak Iljic (1928). Stolzmann as a critic of Marx
  • Lechner, Gerhard. (2016). Stolzmann's influence on Schumpeter's interest theory. Canadian International Journal of Social Sciences and Education. Vol. 9. pp. 49-61.
  • Lechner, Gerhard. (2017). Rudolf Stolzmann's Philosophy of Economics. Philosophy Study. Vol. 7 (3). Pp. 145-152.
  • Lechner, Gerhard. (2017). The social organism in Rudolf Steiner and Rudolf Stolzmann. Research on Rudolf Steiner Education. Vol. 8, No.1. Pp. 35-44.

Individual evidence

  1. Diehl, Karl. (1941). The social law direction of economics. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer.
  2. Stolzmann, Rudolf 1923b, pp. 18-19