Rudolph Dietrich von Schönberg

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Rudolph Dietrich von Schönberg († May 29, 1789 at Bieberstein Castle ) was a chamberlain and chief of the district and owner of the Thammenhain , Trebitz and Nieder- and Oberbieberstein manors.


Rudolph Dietrich von Schönberg came from the Saxon noble family of those von Schönberg and was the youngest son of Gotthelf Friedrich von Schönberg (1681–1745) . In the year of his father's death, he signed a contract of inheritance with his brother, which was modified in 1746. As a result, he received the Thammenhain manor from his father's inheritance .

After the death of his nephew Adam Friedrich von Schönberg, he was the next to acquire his manor Trebitz. Since he only had four daughters himself, he applied to the Elector of Saxony for the conversion of his man-made estates Bieberstein and Trebitz into Allod, which was approved on January 18, 1788. The Bieberstein Castle fell to the von Schroeter family.

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