Runddysse from Herrestrup

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The Runddysse von Herrestrup (also called Dilhøj) is located east of Grevinge near Holbæk on the Danish island of Zealand . Weathered petroglyphs ( wheel crosses and ships) can be found on the capstone of the hexagonal chamber of the polygonal dolmen . The dolmen was built between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC as a large stone grave of the funnel cup culture (TBK).

The Runddysse is surrounded by a modern dry stone wall in a low round hill, the "Dilhøj". The north-west-south-east oriented dolmen is 2.06 m long, almost 2.0 m wide and 2.0 m high. It consists of five large, flat, inwardly inclined supporting stones and the threshold stone, which is only 0.5 m high . The spaces between the supporting stones are filled with intermediate masonry. The 2.8 m long, 2.2 m wide and 1.2 m thick capstone rests above the five stones. The chamber has a 0.6 m wide entrance and a 2.7 m long, 0.7 to 0.85 m wide corridor with two supporting stones on each side. The two inner ones are the largest. The hallway ceiling is missing.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Runddysse is the common denomination in Denmark for dolmens that are located in a round hill. In contrast, Langdysser are those dolmen that are located in a rectangular or trapezoidal barn bed

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