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The Ruttnern is the Passierbarmachung of mountain passes in winter with horses, mules and oxen.

The Ruttners ( Rhaeto-Romanic ruttér , Italian rotteri ) make a path through the snow with shovels and horses, which can then be used with bast horses , sleighs or on foot. Ideally, the first snowfall should start at the same time and the churning continued continuously so that a solid and stable path is created at the same height as the surrounding snow. This means that no snow drifts can occur.

"Rutner are called the carters in Graubündten , who lead and sled from the high court Davos into the Engadine and from the Engadine into the planned high court with hard efforts and many mortal danger because of the lukewarms, etc."

- Hans Jacob Leu : General Helvetian, Eydgenossisches or Swiss Lexicon

In this way, in the winter of 1985, Trainkolonne II / 42 of Border Brigade 12 of the Swiss Army opened the Scalettapass for the first time in over 100 years .

See also


  • Heini Hofmann: Ruttnern, an ancient snow path technique. In: Bündner Jahrbuch , NF, Volume 30 (1988), pp. 77-83.
  • Wilhelm Mark: Winter training: The Ruttnern. In: Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift , Volume 130 (1964), Issue 2, pp. 88–89.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Heini Hofmann: Training horses on historical mule tracks - an epilogue. General Swiss Military Journal 03/2018, pages 40–43
  2. ^ Hans Jacob Leu : General Helvetian, Eydgenößisches or Swiss Lexicon. 20 parts. Zurich 1747/65. Hans Jakob Holzhalb : Supplement to the general Helvetian-Confederate or Swiss Lexicon. 6 parts. Zurich 1786/95.
  3. ^ Heini Hofmann: Modern train on historical mule tracks. NZZ of March 23, 1985