Ryszard Kornacki

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Ryszard Kornacki (2006)

Ryszard Kornacki (* 1940 in Lublin , Generalgouvernement ) is a Polish writer .

Kornacki studied literature at the Maria Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin and has lived in Międzyrzec Podlaski since 1961 , of which he has been an honorary citizen since 1977. Since his literary debut in 1959, he has appeared as an author of poetry , children's and youth literature , short stories , aphorisms and essays in magazines and has also become known through broadcasts on radio and television. He has won several literary prizes and plays an active role in the Polish cultural scene.


  • Wyjście z ciszy (1973)
  • Szukanie człowieka (1975)
  • Złote słońce słowa (1980)
  • Puszka Pandory (1985)
  • Miniatury (1988)
  • Zapis dnia (1990), German: The written day
  • Słoneczna galeria przyrody - wiersze szczawnickie (1993)
  • Czarna róża (baśnie i opowieści z Podlasia ; 1993), German: black roses
  • Wszystkie wątpliwości świata (1994)
  • Na krawędzi absurd (1995)
  • Romeo Julia i czas (1997), German: Romeo and Juliet and the time
  • Ciepły dotyk duszy (1999)
  • Dopełnianie myśli (1999)
  • Międzyrzec w życiorysy wpisany (I 2001, II 2003)
  • Podlasie struna czysta (2002)
  • Na skraju cienia (2003)

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