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Waters Greenland Sea
Land mass Iceland
Geographical location 66 ° 7 ′  N , 23 ° 28 ′  W Coordinates: 66 ° 7 ′  N , 23 ° 28 ′  W
Súgandafjörður (Iceland)
width 1.5 km
length 13 km
Tributaries Botnsá

The Súgandafjörður is a fjord in the Westfjords in the northwest of Iceland .

The fjord is also simply called Súgandi and extends over 13 kilometers into the country with a width of barely 1.5 kilometers. The place Suðureyri is located on its south bank near the mouth . It is connected to Vestfjarðavegur via Súgandafjarðarvegur (road 65) through the Breiðadals-og-Botnsheiðar tunnel . S60

See also

Web links

Commons : Súgandafjörður  - collection of images, videos and audio files