Southern sand wasp

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Southern sand wasp
Southern sand wasp (Ammophila heydeni) mating

Southern sand wasp ( Ammophila heydeni ) mating

Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Sphecidae
Subfamily : Ammophilinae
Tribe : Ammophilini
Genre : Sand wasps ( Ammophila )
Type : Southern sand wasp
Scientific name
Ammophila heydeni
Dahlbom , 1845

The southern sand wasp ( Ammophila heydeni ) is a hymenoptera from the Sphecidae family . The species is not endangered.


The wasp reaches a body length of 13 to 19 millimeters. It differs well from the other sand wasps by its red colored front and middle pairs of legs and by a strongly silvery shining thorax . The abdomen is colored red one segment further back compared to the related species.


The species is common in the Mediterranean area. Their distribution extends north to Valais and Lower Austria . It prefers very temperature-favored and slightly overgrown sandy habitats. The animals fly from June to September.

Way of life

The southern sand wasp resembles the three-phase sand wasp ( Ammophila pubescens ) in its way of life and also mainly supplies its brood with caterpillars of spiders (Geometridae). Even after hatching, the wasp larvae are still supplied with caterpillars by the female.

supporting documents


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Heiko Bellmann : Bees, wasps, ants. Hymenoptera of Central Europe . Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co KG, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-440-09690-4 , p. 164.

Web links

Commons : Southern sand wasp ( Ammophila heydeni )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files