Southern God Salmon

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Southern God Salmon
Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Order : Lampriformes (Lampriformes)
Family : Lampridae
Genre : God salmon ( Lampris )
Type : Southern God Salmon
Scientific name
Lampris immaculatus
Gilchrist , 1904

The southern god salmon ( Lampris immaculatus ) is a marine fish that occurs in the southern oceans between 34 ° South and the Antarctic Convergence . He lives there at depths of 50 to 485 meters.


Like all god salmon, Lampris immaculatus is a large fish with a laterally flattened body. In contrast to the other god salmon species, which have an approximately round body and are patterned with numerous spots, that of the southern god salmon is elongated oval and unspotted. The body length is about 1.8 times the body height or a little more. The Southern God Salmon can reach a maximum standard length of 1.10 meters, a maximum total length of 1.25 meters and a weight of 30 kg. The back of the fish is dark, silvery-blue, the sides and abdominal region light and the fins are bright red.

Lampris immaculatus feeds on epipelagic fish, cephalopods (e.g. Moroteuthis ingens ), krill and soft- bodied invertebrates.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lampris immaculatus on (English)
  2. Underkoffler, KE, Luers, MA, Hyde, JR & Craig, MT (2018): A taxonomic review of Lampris guttatus (Brünnich 1788) Lampridiformes; Lampridae) with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa, 4413 (3): 531-540. DOI: 10.11646 / zootaxa.4413.3.9
  3. ^ Southern Moonfish, Lampris immaculatus Gilchrist 1904 Page with photo at
  4. Jackson, G., Buxton, N. & George, MJ (2000) Diet of the Opah Lampris immaculatus on the Patagonia Shelf; the significance of the squid Moroteuthis ingens and anthropogenic plastic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 206, 261-271. doi: 10.3354 / meps206261