S1 network DDR

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Special network 1 / upper network level

The S1 network was a communication network in the German Democratic Republic . S1 is the abbreviation for "Special Network 1" . The official name for the network was "Integrated staff network of the party and state leadership of the GDR and the armed organs " . In the language of the NVA it was called the "staff network".

It was built on the basis of a resolution of the National Defense Council of the GDR on December 16, 1977 under the responsibility of the Ministry for National Defense (MfNV) and after its commissioning also replaced the old staff network of the NVA. It was a computer-aided network, in which all users, according to the official name of the network, participated, worked and paid pro rata. For the main communications center of the Ministry of National Defense (see adjacent diagram “ Vostok ”), communications center 2 (see adjacent diagram “SBZ 2”) of this network was an important partner in securing MfNV telecommunications. The network was a dial-up telephone network and allowed teletype and data transmission.

Network responsibility

The establishment of the network was the responsibility of the National People's Army of the GDR . The planning, dimensioning and construction was carried out by the Central Office for Intelligence Networks (ZfN), an NVA office in Niederlehme. The “ Central Office for Switching and Operation ” (ZfSB) in Strausberg was created as the military switching organization for this network and subordinated to the chief news department in the Ministry of National Defense. The same office also ran the NVA's narrowband radio network . The offices were in the headquarters building of the main intelligence center. From this, the management of the network also took place at the level of constant combat readiness (daily service). In stages of higher combat readiness, the command post in the message center 2 was moved. The lines between the main, node and switching centers of the network were leased from the GDR's Deutsche Post and made available from the basic network of the GDR's state communications system and paid for by all users. The network remained their responsibility until the NVA was dissolved.

Network structure

The network structure provided for an upper (ONE), middle (MNE) and lower network level (UNE) to be expanded in stages, via which all central, district and district-managed offices, both from the civilian and military sectors, were to be supplied. The special network 1 went into operation in 1983 with the oNE. All switching and operations centers in the network were prepared for the connection of all types of mobile communications technology.

The network worked independently of the public telephone network of the GDR. Cross connections existed between the switching and operations centers of the special network and the switching facilities of the special telephone network of the GDR Council of Ministers .

The authorization to use the special network 1 was granted to the subscribers of terminal exchanges z. B. in the NVA according to a nomenclature in the message order of the deputy minister and chief of the main staff assigned. As in the old staff network of the NVA, the participants reported in the network with the camouflaged names assigned to them for offices and camouflaged numbers for offices.

The party's directional radio network, which was established in the 1950s and expanded in the 1960s, was used to superimpose this network until 1984 , which was in part also managed by the Central Office for Switching and Operation.

S1 long-distance dialing directories


  • Joachim Kampe: Wostok - the news center in the center of the military power of the GDR ; ISBN 3-932566-60-2 ; (PDF)

Web links

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