SAI concentration camp II

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SAI concentration camp II
SAI KZ II Kupe Private, STA Stauning, Denmark PP1182517302.jpg
KZ II Kupé
Type: School and sport aircraft
Design country:

DenmarkDenmark Denmark



First flight:

September 11, 1937

The sports aircraft SAI KZ II is a two-seat, single - engine low - wing aircraft from the Danish manufacturer Skandinavisk Aero Industri . The abbreviation KZ refers to its designers Viggo Kramme and Karl-Gustav Zeuthen. The first flight took place on December 11, 1937. The machine has a partially covered, fixed chassis with a spur.

There are three variants of this series:

KZ II Kupé


This two-seater sports machine had a hull made of steel tubes that was planked with plywood and fabric. The wing was made of wood and also covered with plywood and fabric. A total of 14 pieces were produced between 1937 and 1940. The wings could be folded onto the fuselage for better transport and to reduce the floor space. The two seats were next to each other in the fuselage in a closed cockpit.

Three machines of this type have survived. One of them is ready to fly at Dansk Veteranflysamling , Skjern , Denmark.

Parameter Technical data (KZ II Kupé )
Wingspan 10.50 m
Wing area 16.50 m²
Empty mass 460 kg
Max. Takeoff mass 750 kg
Cruising speed 175 km / h
Landing speed 72 km / h
Service ceiling 5,000 m
drive an air-cooled four-cylinder in-line engine Gipsy Minor / Cirrus Minor I with 90 HP (66 kW)

KZ II sports


The sport variant of the KZ II differs from the Kupé mainly in its open cockpit with the seats one behind the other. The smaller frontal area combined with the more powerful engine enables better performance. The first flight of this variant took place on October 10, 1938. A total of 16 machines of this type were built. However, all machines were confiscated by the German occupiers .

Parameter Technical data (KZ II Sport )
span 10.20 m
Wing area 15.00 m²
Empty mass 475 kg
Max. Takeoff mass 725 kg
Cruising speed 200 km / h
Top speed 220 km / h
Landing speed 72 km / h
Range 900 km
Service ceiling 5,500 m
drive an air-cooled four-cylinder in-line engine Hirth 504 A with 105 hp (77 kW) at 2530 min −1

Concentration camp II Træner

SAI concentration camp II Træner

The trainer is a reinforced variant of the KZ II Sport. After the Second World War, the Danish Air Force quickly needed re-trained pilots, so a number of these types were procured. The first flight of the prototype took place in April 1946. Fifteen machines were ordered that were used for pilot training as early as autumn 1946. The machines remained in service until 1955. The nine aircraft, which were still clear to fly, were then sold to private owners.

Parameter Technical data (KZ II Træner )
span 10.20 m
Wing area 15.00 m²
Empty mass 550 kg
Max. Takeoff mass 850 kg
Cruising speed 190 km / h
Top speed 220 km / h
Landing speed 75 km / h
Range 650 km
Service ceiling 5000 m
drive an air-cooled four-cylinder in-line Gipsy Major X engine with 6.1 l displacement and 145 hp (107 kW)

See also

Web links

Commons : SAI KZ II  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Stefan Degraef: Danish silver wings . Kramme & Zeuthen II. In: FLiEGERREVUE X . No. 66 . PPVMedien, 2017, ISSN  2195-1233 , p. 31 .