SCIP database

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The SCIP database ( S ubstances of C oncern I n articles as examined or in complex objects ( P roducts)) of the European Chemicals Agency was based on item 9, paragraph 1, point i and paragraph 2 of the WFD established. It contains information on substances of very high concern in articles or in complex objects.

Companies that deliver articles to the EU market that contain substances of very high concern in a concentration of more than 0.1 percent by weight must submit information on these articles to ECHA from January 5, 2021. The SCIP database ensures that the information on articles containing substances on the candidate list is publicly available over their entire life cycle of products and materials, including disposal. Addressees are in particular waste disposal companies and consumers. In this way, the database supplements the existing information and reporting obligations under the REACH regulation . The aim is to reduce the number of hazardous substances in waste, encourage the replacement of those substances with safer alternatives and contribute to a better circular economy than promoting the use of waste as a resource.

Companies from Switzerland that supply products with substances from the candidate list to the EEA market must provide their customers with the information required so that they can fulfill their obligations.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Directive (EU) 2018/851 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 30, 2018 amending Directive 2008/98 / EC on waste
  2. ^ The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Ed.): A GRIP ON HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES . February 2020, p. 67 (English, [PDF] Box 11: ECHA database of products containing substances of very high concern).
  3. ^ Registration office for chemicals: SCIP database on SVHC in articles. Retrieved June 16, 2020 .