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SETL (Set Language, English for set language) is a high-level programming language that is based on the set theory of mathematics . It was developed in 1969/70 by Jack Schwartz at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University .

SETL recognizes integer , real , string , boolean and the zero value omega (om) as fundamental data types . There is no strong typing , the data type of a variable is adapted depending on the assigned content. SETL also has automatic garbage collection .

SETL has two data structures , the unordered set (engl. Amount ) and the tuple (engl. Tuples ) as an ordered sequence of elements. A set has the peculiarity that there is no duplicate value in it, but this is permitted with a tuple . Except for this restriction, the content of a set or a tuple is arbitrary; they can also contain other sets and tuples . A special case is the map (short for mapping , Eng. Figure ). It is a set of ordered pairs and consists of tuples of length 2.

SETL also provides do-while loops , if-then-else and case statements . There are also specialized loops for iterating through tuples and sets .

SETL knows numerous operators for the basic arithmetic operations , as well as trigonometric and other mathematical tasks. SETL also has special operators for working with sets and character strings. You can also define your own operators.


Due to the long-term cooperation between New York University and scientists from Novosibirsk , SETL was implemented not only on computers from the American company Burrough , but also on Russian computers of the BESM-6 and ES EVM types . There are now various implementations for all common operating systems .

Sample source code

Two examples for outputting all prime numbers from 2 to n. The second example in particular shows that the language is based on set theory.

program primzahlen;
  $ Dieses Programm gibt alle Primzahlen aus, die kleiner als der eingelesene Parameter sind
  read(n);              $lese Parameter ein
  primes := { };        $Menge der ausgegebenen Primzahlen
  p := 2;               $erste Primzahl festlegen
  $ Schleife um weitere Primzahlen zu ermitteln
  loop while p < n do   $ Wiederhole solange p kleiner als n ist
    if notexists t in primes | p mod t = 0 then
      print(p);         $keine der bisherig ermittelten Primzahlen ist Teiler von p, also gib die Primzahl aus
      primes with := p; $Füge sie zur Menge der ausgegebenen Primzahlen hinzu
    end if;
    p := p + 1;         $Zu testende Zahl um eins erhöhen
  end loop;
end program primzahlen;
program primzahlen2;
  print({p in {2..n} | forall t in {2..p - 1} | p mod t > 0});
  $Gib die Menge aller Zahlen p aus der Menge 2 bis n aus, für die gilt,
  $dass p sich durch keine der Zahlen der Menge 2 bis p-1 glatt teilen lässt
 end program primzahlen2;

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