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STRIMA II (Saxon-Czech Flood Risk Management II ) is a project of the cooperation program for the promotion of cross-border cooperation between the Free State of Saxony and the Czech Republic 2014–2020 of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union. The project will run from July 2017 to June 2020. It succeeds STRIMA .

Project activities and work packages (AP)

AP1: Mitigation of flood damage to residential buildings

Methodological foundations for the reduction of flood damage to buildings are to be developed in order to then implement these in concrete measures to reduce damage. A catalog for reducing damage to residential buildings is to be developed as a recommendation for action. A web-based information system in German and Czech should serve those interested and affected to familiarize themselves with the subject of flood damage to residential buildings. The impact analysis of potential building precautionary measures on a spatial level is to be carried out in two pilot areas (DE / CZ).

WP2: Mitigation of flood damage to environmental protection goods and land uses

In the STRIMA II project, methodological bases for the reduction of flood damage to environmental protection goods and land uses are to be developed, in order to then implement these in concrete measures to reduce damage. Methods have to be developed to analyze damage to land use and agriculture. The next step is to systematize measures with the aim of reducing flood damage to environmental protection goods and land use. This method is also tested and documented on specific areas in order to conclude this work package with a recommendation for action for municipalities. This should describe how to deal with flood risks and damage, as well as presenting municipal precautionary strategies.

WP3: Mitigation of flood damage to technical infrastructures

A methodical approach for the typification of relevant damage patterns on bodies of water, their structures and the transport infrastructure is to be developed. An assessment of the damage behavior of flood events on the technical infrastructures and thus their vulnerability should be carried out. Furthermore, measures to reduce damage for selected types of infrastructure must be summarized in a catalog of measures. The transferability of these measures in the Saxon-Czech border area is being checked in pilot applications.

WP4: Communication of the flood risk

In the STRIMA II project, the interdisciplinary series of events of the cross-border flood risk management forum is to be continued. This forum offers experts, practitioners, interest groups and municipalities at risk of or affected by floods a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience in order to jointly tackle problems and find solutions. Events in the Czech Republic and Saxony are also planned within the framework of STRIMA II, at which specialist focal points are discussed, taking regional circumstances into account. The municipal flood information and management system INGE is to be further developed with regard to the damage modules and other additions and implemented in practice. The development of a basis for the development of a web-based, interactive information and communication platform (APP) is to take place, with which specialist planners, owners and those affected can find out about potential, building-type-specific flood damage and its reduction potential.

Project partner

Web links