SV Prussia 90 Beeskow

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The SV Preußen 90 Beeskow is a sports club in the eastern Brandenburg city of Beeskow . It had 402 members in 2008 and offered sports in six departments, including soccer, handball, volleyball and table tennis.

The history of the association goes back to 1922. At that time, the Beeskow sports club was founded in the city of 5000 inhabitants. Until the end of the Second World War, this could not attract national attention. After the end of the war, the sports club, like all clubs in the Soviet occupation zone, was dissolved. On the initiative of the communist youth organization “ Free German Youth ”, the “Central Sports Association Neue Jugend Beeskow” was founded in 1947 instead of the former sports club. In the course of the reorganization of East German sport in the form of company sports associations (BSG), it was converted by the local trading companies into the BSG Empor Beeskow with several sports sections. Neither ZSG nor BSG were initially known beyond the GDR district of Frankfurt .

It was not until 1972 that the BSG soccer team was promoted to the third-class district league in Frankfurt and was able to stay there until 1983. In 1980 there was a change in the carrier company , VEB Chipplattenwerk took over BSG, which from then on also assumed the name BSG Chipplattenwerk Beeskow. In the 1980/81 season, the soccer team reached first place in the southern season of the district league, but lost to Stahl Finow in the final of the district championship (0: 1, 0: 0). Despite a 7th place at the end of the 1982/83 season, the BSG had to relegate to a relay because of the reduction in the district league. Only between 1985 and 1988 did the soccer section play third-rate again.

In 1958 and 1977, the football players appeared beyond the district boundaries. In both years they had qualified for the GDR-wide soccer cup competition. In 1958 they were eliminated in the first round after a 3-8 home defeat against Motor Hennigsdorf . 1977 succeeded in the late revenge against the same opponent with 2-1, but in the second round came after a 1: 2 home defeat against the second division Dynamo Fürstenwalde the cup.

After the political change in 1989, the BSG chipboard factory lost the support of its carrier company due to the economic changes. BSG members then founded the civil association SV Preußen 90 Beeskow. He, too, has so far only been on the district level with his sports, only the first soccer team played sporadically in the Brandenburg state class (7th league), and Beeskow has been playing in the district soccer league since 2005 (9th league since 2008). In 2008 the soccer department of SV Preußen started with two men's and six junior teams.


The following sources were used for the first version of the article: