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Sabiktas († after 333 BC) was a governor of Alexander the Great .

Sabiktas was a Persian and probably came from Cappadocia . He was born in the summer of 333 BC. Appointed by Alexander as satrap of Cappadocia on the Taurus (southern Cappadocia ), as the successor of Mithrobuzanes, who fell on Granikos . However, Sabiktas could not hold himself in this position and was probably driven out of Cappadocia by a Persian counter-offensive shortly after the Battle of Issus .

This province therefore remained outside the empire conquered by Alexander , in which especially the satrap of the Pontic Cappadocia (Northern Cappadocia), Ariarathes , was able to establish an independent rule.

Sabikta's name is passed down from Arrian ( Anabasis 2.4.2), who has also largely established itself as a personal designation in the specialist literature. Curtius Rufus (3.4.1), however, called him Abistamenes .
