Sabine Suter

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Sabine Suter (born March 3, 1966 in Basel ) is a Swiss politician ( SP ).

Political career

Sabine Suter joined the SP Basel-Stadt on January 1, 2002 and at the same time was employed as party custodian for the finance department. On October 15, 2002, she was elected to her first political office as a member of the school inspectorate at the primary school in Kleinbasel. She held this office until the school inspection was dissolved on December 31, 2006. Sabine Suter ran for the first time in 2004 for the Grand Council , the parliament of the canton of Basel-Stadt , and was elected to succeed. By renouncing two elected members, she was able to move into parliament on the first legislative day. She is a member of the Finance and Disciplinary Commissions. On September 14, 2008 Sabine Suter was elected to the Grand Council for a further legislature (2009 to 2013). Because of the reduction in size of parliament from 130 to 100 seats, re-election was not a matter of course, even for previous members of the Grand Council. On October 28, 2012, Sabine Suter was elected to the Grand Council for another legislature (2013 to 2017). She was also confirmed on the Finance and Disciplinary Commission.


  • Member of the pardons commission of the Grand Council from February 2005 to January 2009.
  • Member of the Bank Council of Basler Kantonalbank from April 2005 to March 2009.
  • Member of the Inspectorate of the Continuing Education School (WBS) and School for Bridging Offers (SBA) from January 2007 to June 2009.

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