Sabinus (poet)

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Sabinus († before 16 AD) was the name of a Roman poet in the Augustan period. He created epics and elegiac poems in the manner of his friend Ovid , who mentions him several times.

The works of Sabinus have not survived. From Amores 2,18,27ff we know of letters in response to Ovid's Heroides ( Odysseus to Penelope , Hippolytos to Phaidra , Aeneas to Dido , Demophon to Phyllis , Jason to Hypsipyle , Phaon to Sappho ). Certainly it was a literary gimmick; the psychological content of the Heroides is based precisely on the fact that the senders cannot expect an answer. Furthermore, Sabinus wrote a didactic poem based on the model of Ovids Fasti .

Sabinus apparently died prematurely; one work Troizen (?) remained unfinished (Ovid, epistulae ex Ponto 4,16,15f).