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Non Plus Ultra (2 point)

Microscopique (2.5 points)

Brilliant (3 point)

Diamond (4 point)

Pearl (5 point)

Nonpareille (6 points)

Insertio (6.5 points)

Colonel (7 point)

Petit (8 point)

Borgis (9 point)

Body (10 point)

Rhinelander (11 points)

Cicero (12 point)

Medium (14 points)

Tertia (16 point)

Paragon (18 points)

Text (20 points)

Canon (36 points)

Concordance (48 points)

Sabon (60 points)

The Sabon is a measure of a font size with a cone height of five Cicero , which corresponds to 60 Didot points , i.e. 22.56 mm. The equivalent in 60 DTP points , i.e. five pica , measures 21.1 6  mm , see size comparison below.

The measure was named after Jacques Sabon , who is said to have cut a font of this size around 1590.

Sabon is also the name of a printing type created by Jan Tschichold .


Sabon   Sabon
60 point 60 DTP points

With larger font sizes, however, the names and information are uncertain and often contradictory.

According to another source, the proportions are therefore:

Small sabon = 5 12  cicero = 66 typographic points = 24.820 millimeters
Sabon = 6 Cicero = 72 typographic points = 27.077 millimeters
Coarse sabon = 7 Cicero = 84 typographic points = 31,589 millimeters


  • Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights. A lexicon. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim u. a. 1987, ISBN 3-411-02148-9 , p. 261.

Web links

Wikisource Wikisource: Sabon  - Article of the 4th edition of Meyers Konversations-Lexikon

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Trapp : Small manual of the dimensions, numbers, weights and the time calculation. Weltbildverlag GmbH, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-86047-249-6 , p. 268