Sabta (Bible)

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Sabta is the third eldest son of the Kush in the Old Testament .


The name Sabta is used in the Masoretic text in Gen 10.7  BHS סַבְתָּה savtāh and in 1 Chr 1,9  BHS סַבְתָּא savtā ' , the Septuagint gives the name in both places as Σαβαθα Sabatha , so also the Vulgate as Sabatha .

Biblical narration

After Gen 10.7  EU and 1 Chr 1.9  EU, Sabta is the third eldest son of Kush. His brothers are called Seba , Hawila , Ragma , Sabtecha and Nimrod . Kusch himself is a son of Ham and grandson of Noah .

Rabbinical literature

A localization is made for Sabta in the Babylonian Talmud .

"" Sabta, Ragma and Sabtecha. "( Gen 10.7  EU ) Rab Josef teaches: Inner Sakistan and outer Sakistan. Between one and the other a hundred parasang and the circumference a thousand parasang. "

- Babylonian Talmud, Tract Joma, chapter 1, p.10a

A parasang is an Iranian measure of length. Sakistan is a province of the Sassanid Empire .

In the Midrash Exodus Rabba, Sabta is mentioned as an example of peoples from whom Israel differs in the receipt of the Torah and the covenant with God.

"Rabbi Yehuda ת son of Rabbi Simon said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi : The Holy One, blessed be he, said: Formerly you were called like the rest of the nations, like" Sabta, Ragma and Sabtecha "( 1 Chr 1,9  EU ). And from the moment you received my Torah, I made a covenant with you and led you up. "

- Midrash Exodus Rabba, Parasha 47

Individual evidence

  1. Babylonian Talmud, Tract Joma, Chapter 1, Page 10a , on (Hebrew).
  2. Midrash Exodus Rabba, Parasha 47 , on (Hebrew).