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Sakkākī ( Persian سكاكى) was an early Chagatai poet who worked as court poet in Transoxania around 1400 . Its promoters were, as from the dedications of his Kasiden stating among other things, in Samarkand resident Timuridenherrscher Khalil Sultan (r. 1405-09) and Ulugh Beg (r. 1409-49). Almost all information about Sakkākī comes from the Majālis an-nafāʾis and the Muḥākamat al-lughatain of the poet Nawāʾi , who did not think much of Sakkākī's talent, although he was quite popular in Samarkand.

Only one incomplete copy of Sakkākīs divan has survived in the British Library (Or. 2079). However, three of his Ghazals can be found in a manuscript in the Istanbul Ayasofya Library (No. 4757) and various Chagatai dictionaries also contain individual verses as quotations. Sakkākī's Turkish poetry is directly related to that of Lutfīs , whom he had accused of stealing his best verses from him.
