Salchow (jump)

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The Salchow , named after the Swede Ulrich Salchow , is one of the elementary jumps in figure skating . The jump is shown in the freestyle as a single element as a single, double, triple and sometimes even as a quadruple jump. Jump combinations with other jumps are also possible.


In a simple design, the jump from one foot is jumped backwards by shifting pressure on the inward edge of the splint and, after rotating in the air around the body's longitudinal axis by 360 °, landed on the other leg backwards outwards. In roller figure skating, the Salchow is also jumped off the inward edge. Here, however, you go onto the stopper shortly before jumping. The jump is also landed on the right leg and backwards inwards. (Most runners jump from left back in to right back out.)

There are two standard types of start-up:

  • with threesome (change from forward outward to backward inward on the same leg)
  • with Mohawk (change from forwards inwards on one leg to backwards inwards on the other leg)


The jump is named after the Swede Ulrich Salchow , who invented it in 1909. Theresa Weld was the first woman to jump a salchow, this happened at the 1920 Olympic Games .

The first double Salchow jumped for the men Gillis Grafström in the twenties and for the women Cecilia Colledge in the late thirties.

The first triple Salchow was Ronald Robertson at the 1955 World Cup . In the case of women, Petra Burka was the first to succeed, presumably , which was also the first successful triple jump by a woman at all. She succeeded in doing this at the Canadian Championships in 1962 and at the World Championships in 1965 . According to a report at that time managed a triple Salchow at the European Championship in 1961 already Helli Sengstschmid and Jana Mrázková .

Timothy Goebel got the first fourfold Salchow in 1998. The first woman to do this was Japanese Miki Andō in 2002.


  • Waltraud Witte: Figure skating basics . Meyer & Meyer Verlag, Aachen 2008 (new edition), ISBN 3898993310 .
  • Carole Shulman: The Complete Book of Figure Skating . Human Kinetics, Illinois 2002, ISBN 0736035486 .
  • Ellyn Kestnbaum: Culture on Ice: Figure Skating & Cultural Meaning . Wesleyan University Press, Middletown 2003, ISBN 081956642X .
  • Lynn Kirby: A Perfect Landing (= Winning Edge Series , Volume 1). Thomas Nelson Inc., Nashville 1998, ISBN 0849958350 .
  • Kristi Yamaguchi, Christy Kjarsgaard-Ness, Jody Meacham: Figure skating for dummies . John Wiley & Sons, Foster City 1997, ISBN 0764550845 .