Salih Mahmoud Osman

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Salih Mahmoud Osman

Salih Mahmoud Osman (also Saleh Mahmoud Osman and Salih Mahmud Osman ; * 1957 ) is a Sudanese lawyer and member of parliament .

Osman comes from the crisis region Darfur . He was detained for an extended period in 2004 and was only released after a hunger strike. Members of his family were tortured and murdered. Their houses were also set on fire by militias .

He campaigns against torture and human rights violations in Sudan. With his Sudanese Organization Against Torture, he provides free legal assistance. He also documents human rights violations in Darfur.

In November 2005, Human Rights Watch recognized him for his work.

In 2007 Osman was awarded the European Parliament's Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought for his commitment to human rights .


  1. ^ "Salih Mahmud Osman receives EU human rights award" , , October 25, 2007