Sakharov Prize

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Awarding of the Sakharov Prize 2019 in the European Parliament to the Uyghur human rights activist Ilham Tohti . President of Parliament David Sassoli presented the award to Ilhalm's daughter, who was standing in for her imprisoned father.

The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought (also known as the EU Human Rights Prize ) has been awarded by the European Parliament since 1988 to personalities or organizations who are committed to the defense of human rights and freedom of expression . The prize is named after Andrei Sakharov , the Nobel Peace Prize laureate , and is endowed with 50,000 euros. It is awarded annually in Strasbourg .

The Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Development Committee prepare a selection of nominees , who agree on a shortlist in September each year . The Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament advises on this . The decision is usually announced in late October and the award ceremony takes place in the Strasbourg seat of the European Parliament in December.

Award winners

year Award winners Life dates country Remarks
1988 Nelson Mandela * 1918-2013 South Africa Leader of the South African ANC , imprisoned
Anatoly Martschenko
1938-1986 Soviet Union dissident
1989 Alexander Dubček 1921-1992 Czechoslovakia Politician and co-initiator of the Prague Spring
1990 Aung San Suu Kyi * 1945– Myanmar Founder of the National League for Democracy
1991 Adem Demaçi 1936-2018 Kosovo Albanian writer
1992 Madres de Plaza de Mayo - Argentina Human rights movement
1993 Oslobođenje - Yugoslavia Sarajevo newspaper
1994 Taslima Nasrin 1962– Bangladesh Writer
1995 Leyla Zana 1961– Turkey Kurdish members of the Turkish parliament, imprisoned from 1994 to 2004 and later sentenced to numerous other prison terms
1996 Wei Jingsheng 1950– People's Republic of China Democracy and human rights activist in China, arrested after the Beijing Spring 1979; Deported to the USA at the end of 1997 after many years of inhumane prison conditions
1997 Salima Ghezali 1958– Algeria Journalist and human rights activist
1998 Ibrahim Rugova 1944-2006 Kosovo political leader of the Albanian people in Kosovo
1999 Xanana Gusmão 1946– East Timor Leader of the independence movement in East Timor. Imprisoned from 1992 to 1997, first President of East Timor from 2002 to 2007, Prime Minister from 2007 to 2015
2000 ¡Basta Ya! - Spain Organization working against ETA terrorism.
2001 Don Zacarias Kamwenho 1934– Angola Archbishop of Lubango
Izzat Ghazzawi 1951-2003 Palestine writer
Nurit Peled-Elhanan 1949– Israel University professor and author, lost her 13-year-old daughter in 1997 in West Jerusalem to a Palestinian suicide bomber bomb
2002 Oswaldo Payá 1952-2012 Cuba Regime critic
2003 Kofi Annan * 1938-2018 Ghana UN Secretary General
All United Nations employees * - multinational "In special memory of Sérgio Vieira de Mello and the many other UN officials who lost their lives in the exercise of their service for peace in the world"
2004 Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) - Belarus
2005 Ladies in white - Cuba Human rights movement
Hauwa Ibrahim 1968– Nigeria Lawyer
Reporters without borders - France
2006 Alyaksandr Milinkevich 1947– Belarus Opposition politician
2007 Salih Mahmoud Osman 1957– Sudan Human rights attorney
2008 Hu Jia 1973– People's Republic of China Civil rights activist, imprisoned
2009 Memorial - Russia Human rights organization
2010 Guillermo Fariñas 1962– Cuba Critic of the regime and doctor
2011 Mohamed Bouazizi
1984-2011 Tunisia Arab Spring activists
Ali Ferzat 1951– Syria
Asmaa Mahfouz 1985– Egypt
Ahmed al-Senussi 1933– Libya
Razan Zaitouneh 1977–2013 (?) Syria
2012 Jafar Panahi 1960– Iran Film director, imprisoned
Nasrin Sotudeh 1963– Lawyer, detained from 2010 to 2013 and imprisoned since 2018
2013 Malala Yousafzai * 1997– Pakistan Blogger and child rights activist
2014 Denis Mukwege * 1955– DR Congo gynecologist
2015 Raif Badawi 1984– Saudi Arabia Blogger, imprisoned
2016 Lamija Aji Bashar around 1998– Iraq Yazidis persecuted by the “ Islamic State
Nadia Murad * 1993–
2017 Democratic opposition in Venezuela - Venezuela The National Assembly (deputy Julio Borges ) and all of the organization “ Foro Penal Venezolano ” (Venezuelan Forum for the Defense of Political Prisoners) recognized political prisoners, including Leopoldo López , Antonio Ledezma , Daniel Ceballos , Yon Goicoechea , Lorent Saleh , Alfredo Ramos and Andrea González .
2018 Oleh Sentsov 1976– Ukraine Film director, imprisoned May 2014 to September 2019
2019 Ilham Tohti 1969– People's Republic of China Uighur human rights advocate and economics professor, sentenced to life imprisonment for “ separatism ” in 2014
2020 Democratic opposition in Belarus , represented by the Coordinating Council - Belarus Democratic opposition to the politics and presidency of Aljaksandr Lukashenka
2021 Alexei Navalny 1976– Russia Opposition, anti- corruption activist

* = Persons or organizations that have also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Web links

Commons : Prix Sakharov  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sakharov Prize goes to Ukrainian filmmaker Oleh Sentsow. In: Spiegel Online. October 25, 2018, accessed December 1, 2019 .
  2. Ilham Tohti, winner of the 2019 Sakharov Prize. European Parliament, accessed on December 1, 2019 .
  3. ^ The democratic opposition in Belarus - 2020, Belarus. European Parliament, accessed October 22, 2020 .
  4. Belarusian opposition receives Sakharov Prize
  5. Kremlin critic Navalny receives Sakharov Prize from the EU Parliament. Retrieved October 20, 2021 .