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A Salinar ( latin salinus , belonging to the salt ') is a mainly from "rock salt" ( evaporites existing) rock complex .

By the term, both the whole of the range referred to as well as the individual evaporitführende, especially halite leading part ( rock salt ) of the layer sequence. The under the Salinar overlapping, largely evaporitfreie rock is collectively called subsalt (Engl. Subsalt called). If the subsalt geological older than the Salinar, it corresponds to the Präsalinar (see also →  basement ). However, due to salt tectonics (especially salt cover ), the salt can also be older than the subsalinar.


  • Hans Murawski, Wilhelm Meyer: Geological dictionary , 11th edition. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag , Munich, 2004. p. 175 ( Salinar ) and 201 ( Subsalinar )