Salvador Machado Aguero

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Salvador Machado Aguero (* Ciudad Segovia ) was a politician and President of Nicaragua from June 1 to July 6, 1893 .


Salvador Machado Aguero belonged to the current of the Progresistas within the Partido Republicano . He was a member of parliament.

On April 28, 1893, the commander of the Garrison of Granada , Eduardo Montiel of the Partido Conservador , rebelled against President Roberto Sacaza , also of the Partido Conservador. Joaquín Zavala Solís agreed to support the uprising. The insurgents received support from General José Santos Zelaya of the Partido Liberal . The Catholic Church and his family supported Roberto Sacaza. The insurgents occupied Masaya and moved towards Managua. At La Barranca, the insurgents defeated the government troops. The US ambassador Lewis Baker offered to mediate.

In the Pacto de Sabana Grande on May 31, 1893, Sacasa agreed to hand over power to a junta of five people, two of whom were appointed by him and three by the insurgents. The junta was to rule within four months of calling a constituent assembly. One of those appointed by José Santos Zelaya was Salvador Machado Aguero; he presided over the junta.

On July 6, 1893, General Zelaya insisted that the presidency should pass from Salvador Machado Aguero to General Joaquín Zavala . The Pacto de Sabana Grande was broken and Salvador Machado was replaced by Joaquín Zavala, who appointed José Santos Zelaya as commander in chief of the troops.

Individual evidence

  1. Segovianos al rescate de su historia , May 19, 2007, accessed October 18, 2016
  2. Lewis Baker in the English Wikipedia
  3. George Washington Crichfield: American supremacy. The rise and progress of the Latin America Republics and their relations to the United States under the Monroe Doctrine. Volume I. Brentano’s , New York 1908, p. 169 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3D~IA%3Damericansupremac01cricuoft~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3D169~ double-sided%3D~LT%3D~PUR%3D ).
  4. ^ American Nicaraguan School, The 1893 Revolution ( Memento June 6, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Roberto Sacaza President of Nicaragua
June 1 to July 6, 1893
Joaquín Zavala