Samdong Rinpoche

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
ཟམ་ གདོང་ རིན་པོ་ཆེ་
Wylie transliteration :
zam gdong rin po che
Other spellings:
Samdong Rinpoche
Chinese name
Simplified :
桑 东 仁波切
Pinyin :
Sangdong renboqie

Samdong Rinpoche ( Tib. Zam gdong rin po che ) denotes an incarnation number of Tibetan Buddhism from the Gelugpa monastery Ganden Dechenling ( dga 'ldan bde chen gling ) in eastern Tibet ( Dechen , Yunnan).

The current representative is the 5th Samdong Rinpoche Lobsang Tendzin (Tib .: blo bzang bstan 'dzin; born November 5, 1939 in Dechen (formerly: Jol or Atunzu), Eastern Tibet or Yunnan), former Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile.

Samdong Rinpoche (alternative names of the lemma)
Samdhong Rinpoche; 桑 东 活佛