Collection (type of work)

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In book studies, a collection is a compilation of several individual works by an author in one publication, for example a collection of short stories or essays . In contrast, compilations of works by several authors are referred to as compilations in the scientific field (e.g. compilations of specialist articles on a topic) and in the literary field as anthologies . According to the rules for alphabetical cataloging, compilations of poems or illustrations by a visual artist do not count as collections, but as individual works.

A collective edition - widely known in the Anglo-Saxon region as an omnibus edition - is, in contrast to a collection, a publication of previously independently published works. Finally, the anthology is a bound edition of independent publications, for example the bound issues of a year of a magazine.


  • Gudrun Henze: Rules for alphabetical cataloging in academic libraries RAK-WB. 2nd, revised and expanded edition (as of April 2006). German National Library, 2007, ISBN 978-3-933641-88-5 , §5, p. 2a ( PDF ).
  • Helmut Hiller, Stephan Füssel : Dictionary of the book. 7th, fundamentally revised edition, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2006, ISBN 3-465-03495-3 , p. 283.